Mock Platform

Day 482, 14:21 Published in Canada Canada by Derek Harland

With my first ever participating election done with, I have become more interested in politics and how they work in eRepublic. I want to congratulate everyone who won their party presidential elections yesterday and also want to congratulate the runner-ups for their hard work and campaigning. I definitely want to one day participate in the politics of the PPC but at the moment I am an observer. As an observer, I am going to make a mock platform. This is what my platform would be if I were to be running for President of a country of a party. Forgive me if I have no clue what I am talking about or have the worst ideas ever, I am new to this.

I will discuss 5 things:

1. The military
2. Foreign Affairs
3. Taxes
4. Health Care
5. Miscellaneous


My stance on the military is that is a very important part of any eCountry, especially a powerful and jealous-inducing country like Canada. To every super soldier of the armed forces, a moving ticket and 2 weapons will be supplied to them. It would be costly, I know but it is necessary to the success of any military. For people in the armed forces, that aren't super soldiers, they will need to afford it themselves but this should encourage them to train every day so they can get super soldier status. Encouraging new members to join the military will also be key and if the funds were there, 5 CAD would be given to every new member of the CAF.

Foreign Affairs

This is one thing that I disagree with the PPC or Ironman's platform on. Foreign trading should mostly be with the members of ATLANTIS but for a successful economy, we need to consider trading with other countries outside of ATLANTIS that aren't enemies and have cheaper prices or demands. I believe that a country can be independent without needing to risk paying more money. As long as a country has culture and heritage like Canada does, we can be independent.


I would maintain what Ironman already has in place in his platform. I would raise to a 15% business tax, and keep the 10% sales tax. I would change the import tax to 15% from 50% so it will still cost money to import goods from foreign countries, but at a much lower cost. If this doesn't provide sufficient funds for our country to operate I would consider raising the taxes, I am not going to lie to my voters.

Health Care

Health care is an important part of the military and protecting our citizens' lives. Ontario is an important place to start and a Q5 hospital is a necessity to have there. It is where a country like the United States would consider attacking first. If not Ontario, the east coast is where good health care is needed. If a European country would attack Canada they would start on the east coast to break the wall down so a good health care system is essential on the east coast.


Wellness is something that is important for a working citizen to have to help out its company. I really shouldn't be talking as my wellness is at around 40 at the moment but there would be perks to people who kept a high wellness level. If a wellness level of 90 or higher was maintained for 15 straight days, 15 CAD would be deposited to them every 15 days. As a relative newbie to this game, I feel that when someone starts the game they should be given a good start and the funds to get them on their way. Therefore I would start each Canadian citizen that joins with 10 CAD in their bank account. Hopefully this also encourages citiziens to move to Canada or newcomers to start their eRepublic lives in Canada.

There you have it, this would be my mock platform if I were running for president. I am not sure if these ideas are realistic or if they are even good. I feel that these opinions and ideas would be most beneficial to eCanada. I am just happy to get my feet wet in making a platform.

I am extremely interested to see what people think of it so vote, comment and if you want to be even nicer, subcribe!