MoC - Many Prizes, and A Belated Update

Day 965, 20:25 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish Community

Dear all,

Before I begin I ask one favour. If you are named as a winner in this article please PM this org to let me know you're still playing - I've lost track of the V2 walk outs (and the retractions and subsequent walk backs) and I'd rather hold a prize and give it to someone still around later down the line than send it to the dead account lol. Don't worry, there's no 24 hour expiry on this, but try to PM before Wednesday 10PM Irish time as I fly the next morning and I'd rather not leave a mess for Moonie. If a friend of yours is listed here do them a favor and point them at this article 😉

Also sorry for the delay in the writing of this article. There were a couple of technical delays, as well as the freeze out at the start of V2 and random other randomness that meant it took me longer than intended, in the end I decided to hold it until post World Cup so I could announce everything together. In this article you will also find the results of the eIrish Community Awards, as well as the update on the eIrish Pub Quiz, which happened a little too close to the end of V1 to get everything finished up in time.

But first a personal and an official announcement. I found early in my last term that RL was a little more frantic than I'd thought it would be when I accepted my role here, in large part due to a bug that put me down for a week and left me tired a lot even after it was done with me. I didn't get quite as much done as I'd have liked to and I'm sorry for that.

But on to this term! I'm actually only here until next Thursday, when I go AWOL until about the 23rd, when I partially return until the 27th when I'm back to normal. Never fear, though, for the lovely Moonbeam, a fellow lady FM (and if you don't know her already you really should say hi, the girl's amazing) is my co-Minister for the month. Our real live schedules haven't quite let us have a full planning meeting yet but we've been in contact and we'll have a list of planned events for you very soon.

Also some of you may notice that a couple of the prizes will come from the Irish State Community Fund. This is because one award sponsor sent their donations there when inventory space ran out.

In the meantime here are the updates on what's been going so far!

The eIrish Community Award Winners!

Most Acclaimed Publisher - 50 IEP

Most Celebrated Soldier - 5 x Q5 Weapons

Best General Manager - 50 IEP

Most Trusted Politician - 50 IEP

Newcomer to Watch - Q3 House

Irelander of the Month - 10g

Lifetime Achievement Award - 10g each

Congratulations to all the winners and thank you to two anonymous award sponsors, we sadly didn't have as many as usual this time but fortunately there was a nice funds buffer in the MoC so we were able to cover the others 😉

World Cup Pools Results

For those of you who haven't seen yet the winner of the 2010 World Cup is Spain, which makes the winners of the MoC World Cup Pools - Khestra, JohnSmith 2k9 and John Gormley!

They get 9.16g each!

eIrish Pub Quiz

The Pub Quiz was held on IRC just over a week ago now, with the top prizes being 1000 IEP for first place, 5 Q5 weaps for second and 3 Q5 foods for third. Because this article is already long I won't post the questions here right now (I'll try to get them up here or on my own paper soon) but there were eight participants, none of whom scored less than thirteen, and I was very, very pleased with the response (but I'm very sorry for the delay on announcing the results).

In third place is... micktrim!, who dropped only half a point (The Edge is actually British, not Irish)

And in joint first we have Dash and Sargant Stefanos and I was going to set a tiebreaker but instead I've decided to split both prizes, and give them 500 IEP each and three Q5s (adding one from my personal collection to even things out). Congratulations, winners!

There will be another article in a couple of days before I go, once Moonie and I have had a chance to smooth things out.

With love,