MOBILIZATION and DISCIPLINE will win the war!

Day 288, 04:17 Published in Romania Romania by dsalageanu

After a few easy victories, BOREDOM is definitely our worse enemy. Thoughts like "I didn't got to fight", "they are not coming anyway" or "I'll quit because I don't feel important" are a sneaky path that can lead us to loosing our main assets. But, first, lets look at our achievements:

We have proven excellent MOBILIZATION capabilities, dramatically enhanced DISCIPLINE and the overall capacity to effectively FIGHT A LONG WAR all way trough. The status quo works perfectly in our favour, less soldiers challanged means more fresh soldiers for the next battle and an improve in the quality of the War Effort we can sustain.

It is irrelevant that I have not fought any of the 2 defence battles. Of course I would have liked the additional rank and experience, but I don't think this is all about me. If it were, I would have played an arcade game, or a shooter and I would have been fighting all day long. But eRepublik is about PEOPLE. And even if in RL I would have a hard time believing in national objectives, I DO BELIEVE in eRomania. WE are fighting this war for OUR OWN objectives (boost of economy, territorial enlargement, societal challenge, etc), and so far WE ARE IN POLE POSITION! Regardless of what our enemies are doing, we will win this war. This is the very expression of STRATEGY and a clear demonstration of our power.

We have to understand that War is not about fighting, it is about the large-scale coordination of costs & resources over an extensive period of time in order to achieve an overwhealming goal. Our best weapons are not Q4 bombs or high-ranked fighters, but MOBILIZATION and DISCIPLINE. The first one, can be achieved trough MOTIVATION of our friends, co-citizens, international friends&allies, mercenaries, about their key role in the war effort. We have good communication channels and we can do that easily. If everybody feels as an important part of the War Machine and we keep up the effective communication of goals and targets, we will mobilize massively. Every time.

What about Discipline? Well, in my opinion, discipline is all about patience...
