Mobile Compatible eRepublik

Day 1,458, 17:54 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by CrackShotNZ

While taking part in eRepublik's many modules it has come to my attention the extreme lack of mobile compatibility, there are huge load times for certain pages, large use of bandwidth, incompatibility of certain features and altogether a disapointment in the experience.

So with 227620 world wide citizens and nearly 4000 more joining each day, I believe it is time for eRepublik to look at app development for the good of the eRepublik Citizens.

The app would not need to be overly comprehensive for the game features to be available. Key features that would be easy to implement would be the My Land and War modules which wouldnt need all the fancy animations, just afew simple images and buttons. Also the market place could be made simple with a few drop down menus and lists of goods to buy. And finally the My Party and Military Unit pages could contain the information that is needed to continue the running of an effective unit or party.

It could be as simple as this, so if you believe it is time for a mobile compatible eRepublik, vote and subscribe, the quicker we get this to the admins the sooner we will get what we need!