Day 744, 13:02 Published in Russia Serbia by Lunatic2903">

Dear friends,

If you want to win a Media Mogul Medal (MMM) without much effort and also help eSerbia, read the text below and join this massive action to be carried out so far in 3 states of the New World.

Action is primarily aimed at fundraising for strengthening of eSerbian economy, but also in return to those who wish to donate 5 gold to the National Bank of Serbia, offer the possibility to get one more medal in their profile.

In this action all the journalists around the New World may participate, regardless of nationality and citizenship. All we ask from you is to meet these requirements:

1. In this action can participate all the journalists, whose newspapers have between 400 and 1000 subscriptions, between 1400 and 2000 subscriptions, between 2400 and 3000 or between 3400 and 4000 subscriptions.
2. Newspapers must be open on personal accounts, not on organization account.
3. Any journalist who wants to join the action will have to sign the contract on the forum and thereby commit that 5 gold obtained with Media Mogul medals will be donated to National Bank of Serbia.

The contract looks like this:

"This agreement is valid if all the citizens who are mentioned in the contract are signed by copying the entire text of the contract and below and writing" I agree with the contract terms, not later than 24 hours after placing a contract on a forum.

The contract obliges player heroina ( to publish article in her newspaper 5 times during the 15 days (starting with december 5th, at 13h- server time), which will contain a link to name of the newspaper newspapers written by name of the journalist and encourage readers to subscribe to the newspaper. Articles must be published every time in Hungary in English.

The contract obliges player Lunatic2903 ( to publish article in his newspaper 5 times during the 15 days (starting with december 5th, at 13h- server time), which will contain a link to name of the newspaper newspapers written by name of the journalist and encourage readers to subscribe to the newspaper. Articles must be published every time in Russia in English.

The contract obliges player Brue
( to publish article in his newspaper 5 times during the 15 days (starting with december 5th, at 13h- server time), which will contain a link to name of the newspaper newspapers written by name of the journalist and encourage readers to subscribe to the newspaper. Articles must be published every time in Serbia in Serbian.

The contract obliges the (player name) if it receives Media Mogul medal during the action (including the december 19th, at 12:59- server time) to donate 5 gold to the National Bank of Serbia (

In the event that any of the citizens involved in the contract get a permanent ban for the duration of the contract, the other cease to be obligated to him.

In case of breach of contract, admin should take 5 gold from (every) party that has breached a contract and transfer them to the National Bank of Serbia ( )."

The contract represents formality and it’s there just to show that it is a serious action behind which stand just as serious people.

Regarding the first condition on the number of subscriptions, he was appointed in order not to disparage the work of Media Moguls, that got their medals exclusively by their own effort. Therefore, you must prove that you made at least some effort so far to obtain the subscriptions.
We also want to give the same conditions to all participants and promise to try to get them all the 600 subscriptions at least. Therefore the conditions are set to 1400-2000, 2400-3000 and 3400-4000.

If you want to apply for participation in this action, all you need to do is click HERE and send a private message that will contain a link to your newspapers. It is desirable that the title of the message is MMM, and that the link is written as follows:

Instead of url, write url of your newspapers instead of newspaper write name of your newspaper.

For example:

*right click+ view image to enlarge

After you send the message, one of the organizers of the action will contact you and invite you to sign a contract. By signing the agreement the application process ends.

Registration will last two days, it starts from this point and takes up to December 5th, 13:00h. (per server time).
Action will begin after the registration ends and it will be implemented in the manner mentioned in the contract.

We invite you to join the campaign as many as possible and to vote this in the Top 5 to make more people see it.
Also please vote for articles published in other countries:

For any questions, please contact the organizers of the MMM project:
Lunatic2903, Brue or heroina



Thanks for your cooperation.

© eSerbia MMM project team