Mister Y for Alabama - Results of the first project strength

Day 1,492, 17:16 Published in USA USA by Mister Y

Good day Ladies and Gentlemen.

It's finally time to draw some conclusions from the project of the month, “More strength for all”, which you can read in my old article:


✂ Briefly, this was the project to invite people in eRepublik in regard to friends who need the two friends strength bonus. I'm really happy to say that the results were very satisfactory, and almost all of the nine players who made the request, now earn a point in more strength every day.
I have sent invitations to hundreds of people, and these are the results in detail:

✯ Total people registere😛 28
✯ Validated accounts: 20 (who doesn’t validate account unfortunately does not offer bonus)
✯ Invited friends who reach at least to level two: 6 (they offered not only strength, but also gold)
✯ Invited friends still active, above level ten: 2
✯ Total gold distribute😛 3.2

✯ People who have joined my project: 9
✯ People who have obtained never: 0
✯ People who have obtained +0.5 strength daily: 1
✯ People who have obtained +1 strength daily: 8
✯ People who have obtained some gol😛 5

☯ As you see, for only one month of work, I consider them very good results, and especially people who have benefited are themselves satisfie😛

So, for the next month, if I’ll be re-elected in Congress, I think it's a good idea to continue this project for someone with no referrals. Four or five people, not more because it’ll be Christmas holidays, which will steal a lot of my time.

If you haven’t yet invited any player in eRepublik and you still gain only 5.5 strength daily, you have to:

✔ Vote
✔ Subscribe
✔ Leave a comment with your referral link, you can find it in Community --> Invite friends (ex. http://www.erepublik.com/en/referrer/Mister+Y)

♞ Hoping to have gained enough confidence in front of you, I invite you all to come in Alabama and vote for Mister Y in the next elections, and you will have more strength to fight. After we will celebrating Christmas together with some cute girls (or men, if you prefer).