Mission statement Ministry of Economical Affairs

Day 874, 04:35 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Ministerie van Economische Zak
The following is a broadcast by the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

Dear citizens,

Our sincere apology for the late start-up of the ministry, the tumultous government formation and some IRL busy times have lead to this minstry posting it's intent when half the goverment period already has passed. Nevertheless we hope to be able to complete our objectives and either continue our work with the next government OR handover some key projects to the new government representatives.

The mission statement for the Ministry of Economic Affairs is listed as follows:
"The ministry of economy will continue to assist the ministry of state companies in order to ensure maximum effectiveness in those companies. MoE will also start up a Chamber of Commerce and possibly a coaching program for entrepreneurs if interest is big enough. Last, MoE will assist the MoF and the special delegate for Belgian affairs with making a report on all assets Belgium had before, during and when it left the union."

Based on this mission statement we are working with the following action points:

State Companies
The Ministry of Economic Affairs will help the Ministry of State Companies where possible. We don't want to interfere in the direct handling of the companies but will look into the role state companies have on our local market and how we can possible improve or tweak their runnings.

Chamber of Commerce - Project Manager = Steingrimur Illugi
The Dutch Chamber of Commerce was launched one week ago and is currently looking for members to join. Membership of the DCC is open to companies that have an interest in the eNetherlands it be on a local or international level. This organisation has been formed to band together the corporate side of the eNetherlands to discuss matters that concern the eNL's economical situation and come with suggestions on improving it. The first topic being raised in the DCC will be Grain and how our only high production region can be made to beenfit the country better.

The DCC wil be under the Ministries guidance initially but is intended to be a independent organisation that offers suggestions and advice to the government.

The exact runnings of the DCC will be under discussion during it's "opening" and we are keen to see the eNL prominent's join the DCC's ranks.

Coaching Project - Project Manager = Markus Bell
The coaching project will run as an organization which will add general managers running their own companies and citizens interested in starting companies to its friends list and run a newspaper which will provide guides and general tips to running a company as well as useful tools or information required.

A forum would also be requested on the eUNL official forum where general managers or any citizens can read the articles published as well as having public access to questions and answer threads.

Report on eBelgium assets
The report on eBelgium's assets is being created by Deviltje and the ministry will monitor it's progress. We have full faith in the negotiator and will therefor be available upon request.

The eNL Economical Situation
Finally the ministry hopes to start collecting key data that are affecting the eNL economy so that we can better explain why things happen and what effects different exchange rates or taxes will have on our economy.

An initial survey of data to be examined is:
- Salaries in eNL vs World (World being too big we will be analysing key countries: US, UK, Poland, Hungary and Serbia. Final selection to be confirmed)
- Goods Prices in eNL vs World
- Industry breakdown in eNL vs World + Reasoning Why.
- Jobs & skill levels in eNL vs World
- Import vs Export
- Relation of Exchange rate vs export prices vs buying power vs salary levels.

If you have any queries or concerns regarding the plans as stated above then please dont hesitate to contact either Steingrimur or Markus directly. Alos anyone keen to participate in the projects listed above please get in touch!

Kind regards,
The Ministry of Economic Affairs Team.