Mission Accomplished

Day 739, 11:17 Published in USA USA by USA Welcoming Committee

Great job in Croatia guys, we won both fights (Slavonia and Northwest Croatia), which was quite a feat! Now we just need to rebuild Finland and Malaysia, then the fun begins 😃

Just want to do a couple of thank yous.

Killing Time: Assisted in distribution, even though he had congressional duties to attend to.

Gaius Julius: Assisted in distribution, even though he had a whole frikkin military to organize.

The military QMGs: As much credit as we get for distributions, these guys have to do them all the time. High five to you guys!

The many Croatians who helped vote up legit american articles: It helped prevent our media from misleading our two clickers, and maximizing our damage.

The shouters: I saw a ton of you guys mirroring our shouts yesterday, getting word out about the program. Thank you! While we have a decent number of friend with this org, we only have 3 shouts. The guns for huns program is only worthwhile if people can find it, and you guys helped accomplish that.

I do want to apologize for those of you that applied during the early morning (EST) and had a substantial wait before getting your weapons.

I also want to make it clear that giving out weapons is not a normal part of our program. Weapons are handed out only during special fights. If you subscribe and pay attention to this paper, as well as the department of defense paper, you will know when and how to apply. PMing us for weapons will get you nothing more likely than not.

Congressional Donations

I also wanted to do a shout-out to those congressmen than chose to donate their 5g award to us (you know who you are). Thanks for the show of support!

-Chocolate McSkittles
USA Welcoming Committee