Ministry of Information- An Update on Governmental Affairs

Day 426, 08:25 Published in Canada Canada by Ministry of Information

Greetings my fellow citizens. Dominik, Minister of Information and Communication here with another update on the government.

Supreme Court
2 new justices have been elected to replace in-active/ineligible justices. The current list is as follows: Scyn, Silverrock, Halve, Gwelwen and Kelly Mahoney, who was elected Chief Justice. Prime Minister Zanalan is also working on replacing Gwelwen, who has gone inactive.

Foreign Currencies
Congress has agreed to convert foreign currency in the Canadian treasury to GOLD once the monetary market is opened again. This will increase our GOLD reserves and rid us of foreign currency which is just sitting in the treasury.

New Constitution
After months of work, our new constitution is ready to be ratified. It has been approved by congress and is currently viewable by anyone at the eCanadian and eRepublik forums. We are only waiting for admin approval, after which the constitution officially replaces the one written by Adam Sutler many months ago.

New Citizen Message
Congress has voted in favour of implementing a new message that is sent to new citizens when they first join eCanada. You can view the message in “country administration”. Further modifications to it might take place.

Citizen Fee
The citizen fee that is given to new players has been reduced to 7 CAD. Active members will be compensated. Too many in-active players and multi-accounts are using up our citizen-fee funds, therefore it will be slowly reduced, while active players who sign up at the forums ( will receive the real citizen fee (an extra 15CAD, approximately).

Ministry of Finance
Minister of Finance, Mesther, has created a new weapons company for the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) to use. The ministry is also continuing in its efforts to strengthen the CAD and continues to urge company owners to reduce wages.

Canadian Embassies
Foreign Affairs minister, John Wilkmot, has confirmed that the Canadian government now has embassies in nine countries. Wilkmot and Zanalan, have also continued to represent Canada within ATLANTIS.

Phineas Gage, minister of Immigration and Industries has been advertising eCanada in countries with high unemployment rates and lower wages than Canada. He, and the Immigration Ministry, have also been attempting to recruit new citizens through the eRepublik forums.

The Ministry of Communication is proud to announce the development of the Canadian University of eRepublik. We will make sure that the University has a full guide to the game and our nation, including history. The minister of information and communication, Dominik, has already managed to write two walkthroughs for eRepublik and eCanada. Only way to view them is to sign up at the forums:

Taxes are constantly being discussed in congress. The direction Canada wants to take is off high VAT taxes while keeping income taxes at a level to give Canadian businessmen a slight advantage over foreigners.

So, this is what the government has been up to lately. If you have any questions, either post them on a comment on this article, or private message the Ministry of Information.