Ministry of Finance Update

Day 1,587, 18:38 Published in Switzerland USA by Hale Kane

Hello ladies and gentlemen reading this article. This will be the first article this term where we will update eSwitzerland’s economic progress. In this article we will discuss several topics dealing with the new proposed and accepted tax laws, increase/decrease in prices of materials sold on market, and country revenue increase.

Our first discussion will be on the new proposed and accepted tax laws congress proposed several days ago:

The new tax laws were discussed on the forums and it was a good choice to raise import tax but undecided about VAT. The import tax of course was increased to reduce competition from exporters and generate more money from imports. This will help to reduce the dependency on imports and boost local economy. In future we will depend on more “home grown/made products”. The VAT on the other hand affects both Swiss and foreign sellers. The money raised from the tax increases has provided a 25% (16,677 CHF extra each day) boost to the economy.

Our next discussion will be on the increase/decrease in prices of materials sold on the market. Our food prices have remained competitive and fairly unaffected through the tax changes. However, due to the temporary 40% region bonuses all our local sellers were producing two times as much. This kept the markets even more so fiercely competitive. Our Weapons market however, was hugely affected by the increase in import tax driving up prices.
Nonetheless congress have proposed a reduction in VAT for food and weapons:

Our last discussion is about the Country Revenue. We have been watching the country revenue gain more and more money throughout the days which is a good thing. The money raised from taxes serves to provide MPPs as well as supplies to our military. I would like to add that we encourage everyone to join eSwitzerland’s National Army. All you have to do is join (link is below).

Thank you for those that read and voted on this first article from the Ministry of Finance.

Ministry of Finance,

Minister of Finance: Patar333
Vice Minister of Finance: Festool