Ministry of Finance- March Report Quarter 2

Day 853, 13:50 Published in Israel Israel by Sam Krak


This Quarter's Report can be summarized in three main points from the MoF's perspective:

As last quarter, initial assumptions about government organisation have skewed some figures: some government companies are not working to capacity, or at all and therefore have not made the requests on resources that were anticipated. Further more the ministry of immigration is retaining profits for investment in new citizens - therefore the net cost of these companies to the exchequer is greater than anticipated.

Gold income has shot up this quarter, we are now twice the estimates. NIS income is now very close projected. All this points to 1) the lumpy nature of government revenues - which undermines the usefulness of quarterly reporting, and 2) the recent uplift in world prices.
Income from MKs' donations is below estimates, but this will be redressed during the next quarter once congressional elections have been completed.

NIS sales have been higher than expected, which is a great boost for government revenues (and also a very good sign of increasing business activity). There is now a proposal to issue a further NIS 5000 to maintain adequate liquidity."

That's all from the MoF for now, good luck to all prospective Knesset members from the Ministry!

Rolling in NIS,
Sam Krakower, vMoF
Franz Kafka, MoF