Ministry of Education

Day 871, 10:14 Published in Ireland Ireland by biffo3000

I'm still working on getting access to the University Org but until then I'll be using this Newspaper.

First of all for anyone not aware I've been made MoE by Patton and I'm looking forward to spreading the wisdom this month and I HOPE people will get involved and make it a better experience for all involved!

Mentors Neede😛

Most important to start with is we need some new mentors this month!

Anyone interested can you please PM me and let me know, even if you've been in the job before please let me know again. In your message to me, can you please state how many new citizens you can handle under your guidance.


-Minimum Level 10
-Must demonstrate mastery of basic game mechanics i.e. Maintaining health, etc.
-Must not have a criminal history or have pending hearings regarding ethical or criminal behavior.
-Must be active, and be a good role model.

Mentors are here to help the new citizen understand the mechanics of the game and to educate them on all options that are available to the best of your ability or to direct them to where they can find the information.

Do not abuse your position to further your own ambitions or your party ambitions. If I find out you have abused your position, you will be removed from the program and put on a list banning you from activities involving new citizens.

This is a position of great responsibility. You will treat it as such.

Citizens and Business Owners:

If you see a new citizen struggling, encourage them to contact the Ministry of New Citizens or me(for now until the University Org is going!). Sometimes they don't read the articles. So just give them a nudge or a shove. Thanks!

To New Citizens:

I urge you to message me in order to get a mentor of your own who will guide you through your beginning stages of the game, help you to understand various aspects of the game, and be a reliable informative.

That's all for now with regard the mentoring system. I hope to have more articles over the coming month to "educate" including, hopefully, some articles on V2. Also I hope to reignite the bootcamp system or something similar to help make the learning as interactive as possible. But that is further down the line and for the moment my focus is on getting Mentors up and running so GET INVOLVED!!!

Minister of Education