Ministry of Education: Assistant Required

Day 785, 06:00 Published in South Africa South Africa by eSA Ministry of Education
The Ministry of Education needs an assistant

With the growing demand put upon the Ministry a need for an Assistant has developed in order for us to operate effectively. The role will involve various activities which I will list below. If you think you are up to the task a fit the requirements (also below) then apply to the Ministry. It is important you are dedicated to the task in hand as your list of tasks never ends. The job will last until the end of my term as Director of Education and is good experience for you to get into politics and the running of the country.


- Writing educational articles to help new citizens in erepublik and existing citizens in the eSA.
- Composing emails to send to new citizens to eSA.
- Corresponding with new citizens to unsure we have all the information they need.
- Updating and re-writing of existing material ensuring it is of the highest standard.

Job Specification

- To be level 14 plus.
- To be experienced and comfortable with basic erepublik game mechanics.
- To have good literacy skills.
- To be regularly active.

So if this takes your fancy and you meet the required standards then apply now to the Ministry of Education. Your application needs to contain the following:

- Name
- Link to Profile
- Level
- Experience
- Why you want the job.

It is simple as that. It does not have to be anything fancy, in fact, KISS! Keep it simple, stupid!

Thank You


Director of Education