Ministry of Defense: How to fight? [Educational article]

Day 967, 12:45 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Ministerie van Defensie" />" />

Hello dear readers,

Maybe the biggest change in v2 is the new War Module. Battles have nothing to do with what they were.

This is a translation of an article by the Bulgarian Ministry of Youth, which explains the war module and gives some quick advice. Please abstract yourself from the screenshots, which contain a lot of Croatian and Romanian flags.

The new graphics that we're using for the first time in this article have been created by Neznainiqotkrainiq as a good-faith gesture from the eBulgarian nation." />" />

The battle fields

The battle happens on the map, which contains 400 zones (20 * 20), no matter what the region is, because the map represents the capitol city (or biggest city) in that region and the surroundings. Every zone can only have 1 building on it, which can be a hospital or a defense system. The enemy has to gain control of a part of the region – zone by zone, so that it can take control of that building also.

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For one side to win, it has to control at least 75% of the zones on the map after 24 hours of the beginning of the battle, including the “capitol” of the region. If neither side has done this, the battle continues in a “sudden death” mode, which means whomever has the capitol and 75% of the map at any given time – wins. This mode can continue up to 48 hours after the initial 24 (meaning a battle can last up to 72 hours at most)." />" />

How to begin:

1. Buy a weapon: Go to the Marketplace and buy a weapon depending on your military skill. You can fight without a weapon, but your chances against an armed opponent are close to none. Training every day increases your military skill, and greater skill = greater damage.

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2. Enter a battle: Click on Join the battle when your time comes. If you don't see the button it's either not your turn, or the country which you are currently in is not involved in that battle/war.

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3. Choose a weapon: Choose a weapon from your inventory and click on OK.

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4. Deploy somewhere on the map: Find a suitable place to deploy yourself. Zones in which you can deploy are highlighted. Click on any one of them. If you can't choose, just pick a zone depending on what your country is doing – if it's helping attack a region your side is the left side of the map, if your country is helping defend a region, then your side is the right side.

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Important: Check the map before deploying anywhere. Find a place where there are allies and get advice from friends. You can look around by using the D-pad, clicking on the minimap or using the movement keys on your keypad.

5. Moving: Click on the button Move. The zones you can move to are highlighted. Click where you want to move. If you want to move move – repeat the process.

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Important: Different types of military skills move more or less (infantry and artillary – 1 move per round, tanks – 2 mpr, helicopters – 3 mpr). So with some you can only move once per round, while with others up to 3 times. All types can move through forests, hills, cities, planes, bridges, fields. Only helicopters can move over water, Through mountains – only infantry and helicopters.

6. Attack: Go to a zone that borders with a zone that has an enemy in it. Click on the button “Attack” and then click on the zone where the enemy is. A window will open with a pick of enemies. In the upper part you can see your citizen and your guns in the left part. Click on an enemy in the list. He will then appear next to your citizen. To increase chances of winning, pick a booster from the list (there is a free one, our advice is not to spend gold on boosters). Click on “Set Attack” You may change your attack during any part of the round.

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7. PvP (Player versus Player) fighting: After the round countdown ends the real fighting starts. If you're the winner and you've won against all enemies in a zone, you are automatically moved to that zone. If you lose, you are kicked out of the map. You may again enter battle, when it's your side's turn.

Click for full-size

Your military rank (private, corporal …) gives you a better chance of a critical hit during PvP fights. The higher the rank, the higher the chance of a critical hit. The only way to gain a higher rank is through defeating enemies on the battle field.

8. Defend: When it's your turn to defend, click on the “Defend” button to choose a booster. Again, our advice is to only use the free one, as gold will “vanish” from the game a lot quicker in v2 than it did in v1.

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- 40 health is the minimum, which is needed for you to take part in a battle.
- If it's your turn, you may move and/or attack. If it's the other side's turn, yyou can only defend yourself, and use a booster to help you.
- To gain control of a zone, you have to move to that zone. If there are enemies there, you have first to defeat them, and only if you manage to, will you gain control of that zone.
- The side which is attacking the region is the “Attacker. They are marked in red. If you are a part of the attacking side, you'll see a red highlight around the zones, which your country currently controls. Defenders are those, which control the region under attack. Their highlight color is blue. If you are fighting on the side of the defenders, then you'll see a blue highlight around your country's controlled zones.
- Boosters are meant to help you during a battle. They can increase the chance of you hitting your opponent, or decrease your opponent's chance of hitting you. Some boosters cause more damage towards your opponent in 1 hit or during the whole fight. Other boosters reduce the damage, that your opponent causes, or give you a better chance of a critical hit." />" />

Weapon characteristics and Bonuses

Weapon characteristics:
- Damage: The main damage, which any given weapon makes per hit, with a skill base of 1. More skill = more damage.
- Attack: Defines your chance of hitting an enemy, by directly comparing it to his weapon's defense characteristics.
- Defense: Defines the chance of an enemy hitting you by comparing it to the attack characteristic of your enemy's weapon.
- Durability: - Defines how many times a weapon can be used. With every battle this number is decreased.

Bonus from defense systems (decreases the chance that an enemy will hit you):
If there is a defense system near you and you are within it's working range, you will receive a bonus to the defend characteristics of your weapon. To see its working range, click on the zone in which the defense system is. If you click on “More Info”, you will see how much that bonus exactly is.

Each attack is made up of two parts:

1. A Hit-or-miss check: When you hit an enemy, an automatic check is initiated, and what it does is compare your level of attack (including base, weapon and bonuses) with his level of defense. The bigger the ratio is in your favor, the bigger the chance there is that you will hit. You can see this chance by clicking on an opponent.

2. Damage: If you hit an enemy, the damage that you cause him, is calculated on the base of your skill with your weapon and the characteristics of the weapon you are using at that precise moment." />" />

Military Units

Infantry can only move 1 zone per round on any terrain excluding water. It's weapon is the rifle.

Infantry has an attack bonus against artillery and a 20% defense bonus when it's currently in a forest zone, but it's weak against tanks. It's main functions are offensive, and infantry is good at attacks on bridges, hospitals, cities and so on, especially if they are surrounded by a forest. This is deducted from the fact that artillery is used to guard such strategic places. Since infantry is a very important part of the new v2 attack strategies, we recommend against 2-clickers using this unit, since it way prove time-consuming and hard for them to master.

Artillery can only move 1 zone per round on all types of terrain except for water and mountains. It's main weapon is also called Artillery.

Artillery is very important for defending cities, since it has a 20% defense bonus in zones which are cities. It has an attack bonus against helicopters, but since helicopters are much more mobile, that bonus can't be used in offense but only in defense. Artillery is weak against infantry.

Tanks have are strong when fighting infantry and have a defense bonus when occupying a hill zone, but they're weak against helicopters. Another minus is that they can't move over mountains and water, which is a minus, but despite that they can move 2 zones per round.

Tanks are highly regarded for the defense of key strategical positions on the maps like bridges or mountain passes. In attacking missions tanks should wait before entering a battle until more maneuverable units like the helicopters have set up their positions.

All of the above units have minuses when it comes down to movement. They're slow (one or two zone movements per round), they can't over some sort of terrain (all of them can't move over water). Helicopters on the other hand can move 3 zones per round and over every type of terrain – even water!

Helicopters have a bonus against tanks and that's why they can be mainly used to clear the battle fields from tanks before the infantry arrives. They have a bonus in normal grassy zones (plains), but they are weak against artillery.

Helicopters are best used for fast and mobile operations and only for organized players. A helicopter is useless in the hands of a two-clicker, not to mention that it's not that cheap. Their main purpose is being offensive. In attacking missions they can be used for the initial securing of a road on which the army can reach key strategical points on enemy lands. In defensive missions they can be used for quick attacks on lands conquered by the enemy." />" />

Hospitals and Healing

At last, we've come to one of the most important parts, the hospital.

Using a hospital is simple – you need to be within it's working reach (as depicted on the picture below) and your health will rise with every round (the health you receive depends on the hospital's characteristics).

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If you are killed in battle you are returned into play with 40 health (up to 2 times per day), and the hospital only has a specific amount of health points it can give you (again depending on its characteristics). If you remain within it's reach during the next round (it's best to get our of your opponent's reach though), you will be healed again and again until you reach 100 health.

Important: A hospital only gives back health you've lost in battle. If you entered the battle with 86 health, it will not heal you to 100. If there is no hospital in the region, the only way to heal yourself is using health kits, which cost gold." />" />

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Your nubcake,

Alexander Matteo – State Secretary of the Ministry of Defense