Ministry of Community (Not so) Daily Quiz 9

Day 1,870, 23:26 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Muz1
Winners of Previous Quiz:
1st:Ali Gtm (6 Q7 weapons)
2n😛untrusty (10 Q5 weapons)
3r😛Lady Mystery (7 Q5 weapons)
4th:kami4u11 (5 Q5 weapons)

2.Lady Mystery
4.Ali Gtm
5.Shan Ansari(2 Q5 weapons)

1. You can only put one penny in the box because after that the box will not be empty.
2.Jane is your wife's and hence your niece but is not related to your brother.

New Quiz:
1.To cross the water I'm the way,

For water I'm above;

I touch it not, and truth to say,

I neither swim nor move. What am I
2.I am as light as a feather, yet no man can hold me for long.

Minister of Community ePakistan
Ambassador of ePak to eChile
Congressman of ePakistan
Chief Editor, The Muz Times