Ministerul Comunicarii - concurs [RO/ENG]

Day 510, 00:22 Published in Romania Romania by Ministerul Comunicarii

[RO Version]

Buna ziua tuturor

Ministerul Comunicarii se vrea a fi o institutie non-guvernamentala care sa continue proiectele incepute de Ministerul Media. Misiunea noastra este sa promovam calitatea in presa din eRomania.

Obiective :
- reducerea spamului comercial in presa din eRomania
- prezentarea celor mai interesante articole din presa eRomaneasca si internationala in Revista Presei
- organizarea unor concursuri tematice cu premii.

Azi, ziua 509 din Lumea Noua, Ministerul Comunicarii lanseaza primul concurs tematic de creatie literara. Tema saptamanii este "eRomania vazuta prin ochii mei"

Regulament de concurs

Art. 1 Acest concurs este organizat de catre Ministerului Comunicarii si consta in aprecierea si premierea celor mai bune articole de presa. La concurs se pot inscrie toti cetatenii indiferent de nationalitate.

Art. 2 La acest concurs pot participa toti cetatenii indiferent daca detin sau nu ziar , dar care au mai putin de 300 de abonati.

Art. 3 In concurs nu sunt acceptate organizatiile.

Art 4. Toate articolele vor fi editate in limba romana sau limba engleza, pentru a putea fi intelese de catre toata lumea. fiecare participant avand dreptul la un singur articol

Art. 5 In fiecare zi de luni a saptamanii, organizatorii vor propune cetatenilor care se vor inscrie la acest concurs o tema

Art. 6 Orice articol care nu se incadreaza in tema saptamanala propusa de organizatori va fi descalificat. Deasemenea nu vor fi inscrise in concurs articolele care cotin un limbaj vulgar

Art. 7 Cetatenii vor trimite articole cu tema saptamanii pe adresa de email de luni (ora eRep 0.00) pana vineri (ora eRep 10.00),avand obligatia sa se semneze la sfarsitul articolului cu id-ul din joc. Toate articole inscrise in concurs vor fi publicate numai de catre ziarul Ministerului Comunicarii.Nu sunt acceptate in concurs articole publicate in alte ziare.

Art. 8 Articolele acceptate in concurs vor putea fi votate incepand cu ziua de vineri (ora eRep 10.00) pana in ziua de vineri a saptamanii viitoare (ora eRep 10.00). Ziarul Ministerului Comunicarii va publica in fiecare zi un articol cu link-uri catre articolele intrate in concurs. Se va putea vota prin comment la articolul publicat de Ministerul Comunicarii. Este permis 1 singur vot, in cazul in care un cetatean voteaza de mai multe ori votul fiind considerat nul. Concurentii, organizatiile si organizatorii nu au drept de vot.

Program concurs etapa I
13 aprilie - Prezentarea temei saptamanii (etapa I)
13 aprilie (ora eRepublik 00.00) - 17 aprilie (ora eRepublik 10.00) - Trimiterea articolelor
17 aprilie (ora eRepublik 10.00) - 24 aprilie (ora eRepublik 10.00) - votarea articolelor
20 aprilie - Prezentarea temei noii saptamani (etapa II)
26 aprilie - Desemnarea castigatorului (etapa I)

Art. 9 Castigatorul concursului va fi recompensat cu 100 RON

Art. 10 Premiile se vor acorda saptamanal in seara zilei de duminica a saptamanii, autorului articolului care a strans cele mai multe voturi va fi desemnat castigator. Castigatorul va fi publicat in editia de seara a "Revistei presei"

Ministerul Comunicarii accepta donatii pentru constituierea unui fond de premii

Mult succes participantilor

Echipa Ministerului Comunicarii este formata din 3 persoane : Cristy89; Bomberclad si Rutakate.

[EN Version]

Hello all

Ministry of Communication would like to be a non-governmental institution to continue the projects started by the Ministry of Media. Our mission is to promote quality in eRomanian press.

- Reducing trade spam in eRomanian press
- Presenting the most interesting articles from the romanian and international media in "Press Review"
- Organizing thematic contests with prizes.

Today, day 509 of the New World, Communications Ministry launches first contest theme of literary creation. Week theme is "eRomania seen through my eyes

Rules of competition

Article 1. This competition is organized by the Ministry of Communication and consists in assessing and awarding ceremony of the best press articles. The contest can register all citizens regardless of nationality.

Article 2. In this contest all citizens can participate, whether or not holding the paper, but have less than 300 subscribers.

Article 3. In the contest are not supported organizations.

Article 4. All papers will be published in English or English to be understood by everyone. each participant having the right to a single item

Article 5. Every Monday of the week, organizers will proposes that citizens will join this contest a theme

Article 6. Any article not included in the weekly theme proposed by the organizers will be disqualified. Also will not be registered in the contest cotin articles vulgar language

Article 7. Citizens will send items on the week on email ministerul.comunicarii @ months (time eRep 0.00) until Friday (at eRep 10.00), having the obligation to sign at the end of the article with id game . All articles submitted in the contest will be published only by the Ministry Comunicarii.Nu paper are accepted in the competition papers published in other newspapers.

Article 8. Items accepted in the contest will be voted on since Friday (time eRep 10.00) up on the Friday of next week (time eRep 10.00). Ministry of Communications newspaper will publish every day a story with links to articles entered in the contest. You can vote by comment on the article published by the Ministry of Communication. Is allowed one vote, in case a citizen vote multiple times vote is considered invalid. Competitors, organizers and organizations don't have the right to vote.

Program competition stage I
April 13 - The theme of the week (phase I)
April 13 (time eRepublik 00.00) - April 17 (time eRepublik 10.00) - Submitting Articles
April 17 (time eRepublik 10.00) - April 24 (time eRepublik 10.00) - Articles voting
April 20 - The new theme weeks (phase II)
April 26 - Designation winner (stage I)

Article 9. The winner will be rewarded with 100 RON

Article 10 Awards will be given weekly in the Sunday evening of the week, author of the article that closely the most votes will be designated the winner. The winner will be published in the evening edition of "Press Review"

Ministry of Communication accept donations for a fund awards

Good luck participants

Communication Ministry Team is composed of 3 persons: Cristy89; Bomberclad si Rutakate.