Ministeri d'assumptes exteriors / Minister of foreig affairs

Day 2,674, 16:38 Published in Egypt Cuba by Benetroiska

Bones companys! Des del Ministeri d'assumptes exteriors volem demanar-vos la vostra ajuda i lluitar al costat dels nostre companys d'índia ja que en el passat ens han ajudat sempre que ho em necessitat.

Com podeu veure la batalla està força encarrilada però em de tenir present que per a ells es una hora complicada.
Animeu-vos a participar en la batalla i fer BH i FF ja que en aquesta hora són força assequibles.

Hi mates! from the Minister of Foreign Affairs we want to ask for your help and fight with our friends from India, remember that they were helping us always in the past and now they ned us!

As you can see the battle is going well but we have to think that for them it's night time such means that it's a difficult time.
Le'ts fight with them and get some BH and FF.

Gay pics: