Minimum Wage is a Joke

Day 1,180, 07:43 Published in Canada Canada by Crock Industries

Congress has been debating raising minimum wage, and are now voting on raising the wage to $3.30. I see this minimum wage as a joke. I we are to look at current market offerings for level 1 jobs, the highest is $15 (way to high) and the 10th highest is $13. Lets look at what government tax revenue from these wage’s would be.

$3.30 at a tax rate of 5% is $0.165
$13 at a tax rate of 5% is $0.65

Not a substantial sum in either case, you are saying to self, right? Not true!
The only reason our congress sets such a low minimum wage is appease the private slave pits. When an organization such as the TCO or the CAF’s SPP program pay their workers $3.30 they are avoiding income tax.

For example I’m a level 11 worker and as such should be paying $1 of income tax on my $20 salary. However as a CAF member I will have to serve one week out of 4 in SPP slave pits. While I’m in my rotation of seven days in the slave pits I will only pay $0.115 tax’s instead of $7. Now do the math for how many CAF, TCO, and political Slave Pits exist in eCanada, and how many workers they employ per day.

With all the talk of getting Canadian dollars off the markets and into the government coffers for the purpose of raising our currency’s value, raising minimum wage to $10 an hour is by far the easiest. Lets shut down these slave pits, or at least make their employee’s pay true tax’s on their skill level.

I know CAF members will argue that the SPP program is a matter of national defense and I do some what agree. However most members of the regulars can afford to pay for their own 50% training booster . Rangers on the other hand are typically young citizens and do not have the means to pay for this booster them selves. I say let the government, through increased revenue, pay for Rangers training and only Rangers training.

Come on Canadians, message your representative in congress and tell them “I’m tired of paying full tax’s while select few avoid Tax’s”. Stand up for yourselves Canada and stop getting ripped off!