Millennium Cross

Day 1,430, 18:36 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia by Gegevci

Срам не срам јас ќе си признаам две работи...

Првата е дека иако живеам во Скопје, никогаш не сум бил горе на крстот.
Втората е дека не сум го знаел фактот дека Милениумскиот Крст на Водно е најголемиот крст во цел свет.

Еве нешто од википедија:

The Millennium Cross is a 66 metre-high cross situated on the top of the Vodno Mountain in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia and is the biggest cross in the world. The cross was constructed to commemorate 2,000 years of Christianity in Macedonia and the world.

The construction of the cross began in 2002 and was funded by the Macedonian Orthodox Church, the Macedonian government and donations from Macedonians from all over the world. The cross was built on the highest point of the Vodno mountain on a place known since the time of the Ottoman Empire as "Krstovar", meaning "Place of the cross", as there was a smaller cross situated there. On 8 September 2008, the independence day of the Republic of Macedonia, an elevator was installed inside the cross. In 2009, a restaurant and a souvenir shop were opened next to the cross.[1] In 2011 the Millennium Cross ropeway was opened. The ropeway is 3,5 km long.