Military Units all over the world [Part 2]

Day 1,386, 10:24 Published in North Macedonia South Africa by Lynx MKD

Добив одговори уште од неколку лидери на моите пораки,а и поради тоа што многу брзо ми паѓаат претплатите решив да напишам и втор дел околу пара/воените единици низ светов.

MTO (Macedonia)

За МТО ќе зборувам јас :

По година дена играње ерепублик,решив преку оваа статија да се навратам на моето минато. Јас како поранешен член на МТО сакам да ви опишам како ние се развивавме и станавме една од најсилните единици во еМакедонија. МТО беше формирана уште пред јас да дојдам во неа, таму запознав многу добри луѓе (иако бев најмал) си се дружевме. Најпрво бев регрут 2 месеца, за тоа време за да ја зајакнеме единицата сите дониравме по неколку голда и работевме за минималец, си помагавме,за еден ден да постанеме тоа што сме. Но за жал ја бев баниран, а они продолжија да ја јакнат единицата. Денес МТО брои 47 члена + МТО елитна единица со над 5000+ сила.

American Eagle Division (USA)

The leader Pizza the Hut speaks :

"We started in April as a way to give power to Americans who wanted an independent group of Patriotic soldiers to work with in order to defend America and her allies.

We are all equal. 🙂

Average strength would be over 2,000 and rank would probably be Major or so

In my opinion we are the best unit in the country! We are the only one that is attached to a party so much".

Immortal Guard (Iran)

The leader nabeghe speaks :

"Immortal Guard military team is one of eIran Armed Forces. Immortal Guard having been formed by tardid, eShayan, Faraz.RevengeR and 62cm lange in August 2011.
The name was given from one of the Achaemenid Empire legions. Herodotus describes the 'Immortals' as being heavy infantry led by Hydarnes that were kept constantly at a strength of exactly 10,000 men. The Immortals played an important role in Cyrus the Great's conquest of the Neo-Babylonian Empire in 547 BC.
The Persian Immortals appear as a unique shock weapon unit for the Persian Civilization. This name later used by Byzantine empire and even Napoleon to refer his Imperial Guard.
The minimum requirements necessary to join the Immortal Guard is Strength above than 3500, General rank and proper activity on IRC channel.
The main porpose of our unit is to manage a coordinated fighting using IRC and special designed ammunition form.
Join us on #Immortal.Guard (on Rizon)"

The Eagles (Bulgaria)

The leader Lubo Uzunov speaks :

"The Eagles / Орляк
Small Squad - 12 thinking people with similar interestsл
Created by former military from Bulgarian eArmy, who are fighting every day with damage of 3 to 5 million

Usually we are the first in Bulgaria's number hit a tank, a man of the day. We reached up to 6th place in the world, according to statistics

- Average Strength - 4100
- Average Rank - 2 100 000
- Daily damage 3-5 million


Esquadrao Sorvete (Brazil)

The leader Gulitiwi speaks :

"MU Name: Esquadrao Sorvete (English: Ice Cream Squad)

MU Creation: Esquadrao Sorvete was created by me (Gulitiwi), at first I was about to create a party with this name (as I use the ice cream in my avatar since june~ 2009) but admins added Military Units to the game, which is way safer than any party, and I just created it 😛
I really dont remember, but it was created a day or two after MU's have been added to the game.

MU Description: We are a group of really good friends, we also have some of the most controversial players of Brazil which make the MU kinda unique 😛"

Thanks to the leaders who send me the answers 🙂

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За шаут / For shout

Military Units all over the world [Part 2]

P.S Кој ќе шаутне нека ми пише у пм ќе му дадам по 5 МКД за шаут xD