Military Unite!

Day 2,412, 21:25 Published in Ireland Canada by Natster

A unified military is essential in this game.
I have been looking at how the game tends to favor armies that are the most effective. The game seems to base this on number of kills, prestige, and overall damage. Basically, the larger the military unit, the more bonuses it gets. Even though I'm a bit more hands off how this game needs to be played, from an economic standpoint, it makes the most sense for a government to have one military unit.

Now, to prevent partisanship, a charter would have to be mandated that the same person who runs the country can not run the military, and even go to the point that the military captain can not be led by the same party that is in power. This way not too much control be given to one party.

Another positive that this would bring is that the funding would be streamlined. Government funds the one military unit, the military unit than divvies up the monies to those who completed the military tasks for the day.

As a further insight, it should be noted that completing the task for the day should be the only qualification. No forcing players to work in communes to earn their supplies. All they have to do is beat 25 enemies in the day. Now, there may be some wisdom on how it is divvied up. As in exclusively cash, exclusively tanks, or a combination of the two.

However, the thing that should not be in debate is that there needs to be supplies for those who fight. This also needs to be transparent at all times via a quick news article. The government would report how much it gave in supplies to the military budget as well as how it spent it's money for the day. The military would report on how it divvied up the monies received, and if possible give special mention to those who contributed above and beyond the call of duty.

Furthermore, this gives our nation a stronger bargaining chip and allows for possible mercentile opportunities down the road.

Strength and honour!
Release the dogs of war!