Military statistics of the USA's army

Day 2,035, 03:14 Published in USA Ukraine by Pitcity

Active players in all Div. - 3331

Training (Strength per day)

Strength in general (all players but not e-died)

Top 5
1. Kutluk Bilge Kul Behzat
2. Wasowski
3. GhostStrayDog
4. shockice
5. Tissy Crazy


1. Mag Grey
2. into the deep
3. general_HrN
4. Vill3

1. Gic71
2. Allan Lynch
3. Evgeniy Bracula
4. Holy China Empire
5. UnReaL93


1. ColinLantrip
2. Pearlswine
3. Sudarat
4. John Galt
5. Archibald

Top 7 MU in the USA for last 3 days

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Military statistics of the USA's army