Military reforms in the works

Day 1,311, 11:42 Published in Japan Japan by Ecka Stealer of Cows

Because every soldier can now do food fights multiple times a day, our military is need of faster coordination and more supplies for our troops.

Squibeel is going to work alongside Alfred Ball as my 2 co-MoDs. They will each be able to cover a different timezone to allow orders to be updated around the clock. Also, someone will almost always be available to distribute.

Alfred will also the leader for the JIA. I would like Alfred to take control of the Military Unit. Kokawa has performed the job up until now because we were previously unable to move ownership between citizens. Now, it is time to really ramp up coordination with the MU. Alfred will help to trim citzens from the MU as well as recruit stronger members.

Some of our soldiers are not able to supply all of their fights throughout the day. They need more food which takes companies. I am hoping that eJapan can start to give out loans to trustworthy citizens to buy farms and be self sufficient. This will be run by the next congress in the near future.

eJapan CP