Military Modernization & Battle Orders for Day 1,416

Day 1,416, 07:37 Published in Japan Japan by Erumaron

eJapan has been criticized in the past for our use of the Japanese Imperial Army name and for flying World War II era flags. We have decided that the time has come to do away with all of that and have modernized the eJapanese Military.

With that said, the Japanese Imperial Army has become the Japan Self-Defense Forces. All eJapanese citizens who join the official JSDF Military Unit and complete the Recruit rank missions will be eligible to earn food rations.

For every "Last day fight" displayed on the JSDF Member List, and, if your Last fight was yesterday, you will earn a Q5 food ration (10 health). The Last day fight is based upon kills, so, simply put, kill 50 people yesterday and you earn 50 Q5 food today. Those of you who join us on IRC regularly and seek out the most up to the minute orders will also be eligible for Q5 Tanks during more important battles.

Oh, and that's not all!! The reasons for joining listed above leave out the most important benefit to joining and following orders. Daily Rewards.

With all of that said, here's your Battle Orders:

Before fighting, check for any changes to the orders by clicking here: #JIA on Rizon. Credit goes to Origineel.NL for the Battle Orders and Priority pictures 🙂

Fight for the UK against Canada - 07:30, Day 1,416

Move to Chugoku and fight for South Korea (Leased Land) - 07:30, Day 1,416

Erumaron, Minister of Defense