Military : DropBears Focus Bad - Everybody Else Considered Worthless

Day 521, 09:59 Published in Australia Ukraine by Australian Warlord

The focus of the eAustralian military is on about 10 players. These 10 players are deemed to be worthy for support in training exercise support and according to Cottus's great battle ideology may even get given Q5 weapons yet everybody else is left for themselves. Lets do a few simple maths equations to show that this is bad policy.

1 * New Player : Strength 5 Private Q1 Weapon = 26 damage per battle
2 * New Player : Strength 5 Corporal Q1 Weapon = 30 damage per battle

3 * Near New Player : Strength 6.5 Sergeant Q1 Weapon = 44 damage per battle
4 * Near new Player : Strength 6.5 Lieutenant Q1 Weapon = 50 damage per battle

5 * Older Player : Strength 10 Colonel Q5 Weapon = 155 damage per battle
6 * Normal Tank : Strength 13 General Q5 Weapon = 219 damage per battle

1 * 10 fights to level up - 2 Gold = 0.5 Gold per combat damage increase
2 * 17 fights to level up - 3.4 Gold = 0.85 Gold per combat damage increase

3 * 17 fights to level up - 3.4 Gold = 0.57 Gold per combat damage increase
4 * 70 fights to level up - 14 Gold = 2.33 Gold per combat damage increase

5 * 103 fights to level up - 206 Gold = 15.85 Gold per combat damage increase
6 * 229 fights to level up - 458 Gold = 25.44 Gold per combat damage increase

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As you can see, it's far more cost effective to train up newer players than the dropbears. Now we'll see whether it's more effective to tank a Dropbear or provide weapons to a near new player.

4 * 0.2 Gold - 50 combat damage = 250 combat damage per gold
5 * 2 Gold - 155 combat damage = 77.5 combat damage per gold
6 * 2 Gold - 219 combat damage = 109.5 combat damage per gold

As you can see, it's more cost effective to fund a wide range of players with Q1 weapons then to tank the top few. There's a Dropbear (little boys club) centralistic ideology whilst every single other player is told that they're of no value.

Why accept 3rd world eWages to be treated like that. If the little boys club wants to have their little special group then why not at least ditch your 3rd world wage job & join other Australians in eRomania where you can get proper eWages & fight everyday.