Mid Week Stats [#1] [Day 2815]

Day 2,815, 06:44 Published in Canada Israel by cyber ninja

Disclaimer: Statistics provided may be slightly outdated or misinterpreted. This is also the first “Mid-Week Stats” article to be posted and may not have a reasonable amount of content. Please leave suggestions in the comments or in a PM as to what you would like to see in these articles.

Table Of Contents:
Congress Activity
Daily Tax Revenue

This past week has seen 4 occurrences of congress needing to vote on something in ODC. The following chart depicts how much of each party’s congresspersons had voted in each, by percent.

The decision that had the most votes was the Removal of Comptroller vote, which only had 21 votes. Following that was the Work Tax vote with 18 votes, then the speaker vote and nest egg vote with only 17 votes each.

So far congress activity is still quite low, seeing as in total less that 50% of possible votes were cast. I’m confident that the CP chosen today will help increase congress activity.

The next chart depicts the total % of possible votes that were cast from each party in comparison to eachother.

This chart shows that Rylde’s Whorehouse has the most active congresspersons, followed closely by the Canadian Progressive Front. After this, the three remaining parties are the least active of the five. In order from most active to least; Beaver Action League, Imperial Party, and the Parti Francophone Canadien.

Yes, I am aware that you are able to see this data on Canada’s Economy Page, but for lack of better content I will show what I have so far, in a nice chart! This chart and data collection will increase over time as more data is collected!

As you can see the tax revenue has been pretty spread out so far between 12k and 14k a day.

Unfortunately, with only 4 days to collect data for this article, not much was collected. By next week I should have more data along with cool charts and graphs! Please pardon the bareness of this article. Also, as I said before, please suggest what stats and info you would like to see posted in these articles!

P.S. If you would like access to all data collected in a formal spreadsheet, and believe you have the authority to view this info, please ask in a PM.
