Michael J Frost, America's Panda.

Day 671, 14:36 Published in USA USA by Michael J Frost

America(That means you),

I, Michael J Frost, am running for the congressional seat of New Hampshire. As many people know, I have a sense of humor, however, I'm also a congress hopeful this month!! Lets get some facts down for the voters.


Lets be honest here. Any sane congressmen will have the same stances on everything. Strong foreign relations, flowing communication between the government and public, higher taxes to fund the military, and of course social program expansion to help out those that need it. Hence why I won't speak more on that, its just common sense.

So what makes you different than the other candidates?

Literally from day 1, I have been learning and studing, and I am quite knowledgable about economics and warfare, the two things this game revolves around. It has been stated mutlible times that in my short time here, I've excelled in anything I have done. If I don't know somthing I learn it very quickly, If I already know it I am an expert. Innovative and Intelligent, I choose those words for a reason.

What do you plan to work towards?

There is only so much a congressmen can do, and I plan to do it all.

-Strong military, on sale
I have plans to help cut military costs, while staying as effective, if not more, than we already are. It is an idea I have tossed around abit. It isn't a golden cure-all, but it is as close as I could get while being only one man.

-I am very approachable, and social. A man of the people.
Everyone I talk to knows i'm a friendly guy. I know how to communicate. This is somthing the government has done better with, but still could use a polish. Also, I know there are alot of smart people out there, and we could always use another good idea.

-New, user-friendly guide-lines to success.
I know for a fact that my quick success was not possible on my own. I want to use communication to show people, without all the extra words and impossible-to-understand statistics, easy to read guides on economics, fighting smart, and getting involved with your government. Either as a volunteer or an offical.

-More business oppertunities for the little guy.
Recently the US government has started using programs such as the American Media Mougle and bond program. These types of programs are a great way for americans to get involved, and use their government to help themselves more directly. I believe we can do more with this.

I want to work with congress to set up these opportunities and programs, to help the country and you. The governments job is to serve the people and thats what it will continue to do. Fresh new ideas will be needed to adapt to the New World, and keep up with our allies and enemies abroad. I am only part of a rising generation of innovation and creative thinking for a better America.

Michael J Frost, America's Panda

Mississippi, October '09