MI - Getting Into Place

Day 765, 00:26 Published in USA USA by Heather Fuchs

Part Two:

Angel of Music quietly slipped the observation scope around the corner so he could take stock of the underground barracks without being seen. Using the hand signals drilled into them during training he was able to silently and accurately relay to his team exactly where the 14 Turkish terrorists were around the large room.

"Five against 14.. not too bad odds" thought Sideswipe as he saw the plan unfold. He and Angel would enter and fan to the right of the room, taking out all Turks in that area. n4n0 and Evry would do the same on the left, and Lazert111 would go straight in and head toward the back wall, clearing a path. In the kind of firefight they were entering it was critical everyone knew where their fellow soldiers were at all times.

Angel used his fingers to count down - 3...2...1. Like a wall of death and retribution MI rounded the corner and opened fire. Instantly this small stone lined underground room was filled with the deafening roar of gunfire. Right, left and center areas started opening up as they quickly took out their enemy.

Two terrorists on the left pushed over rows of bunks for cover, and tried to cut back behind the attack. In a show of total faith in his fighting mates, Sideswipe turned around to face the door they had just entered, his back to the numerous enemies still firing at him and the MI squad. Calmly he sighted in on the first terrorist who was trying to flank them, and took him out with a direct headshot. The second made it to the door, turned towards the back of the group and was raising his Heckler & Koch G3A3 assault rifle. Sideswipe knew the devastation an unprotected rear attack like that could have on his team, so quickly unleashed a staccato round from the hip that nearly cut the terrorist in two before he had the chance to squeeze his trigger.

As quickly as it began the room returned to silence as the last terrorist fell. A quick check on the com showed everyone was alive, and the only injury sustained was a minor arm wound Lazert111 picked up. Everyone knew that center position was the most dangerous since you were likely to pick up fire from any of the enemy positions, but Lazert111 didn't hesitate to take it anyway.

He quickly bandaged himself while the others scavenged the room for intel. If they were going to stop the attack above them at the Kastro today, they needed to know more about the enemy's plans. And this room is exactly where they would find it.

With deadly stealth a lone gunman stepped into the doorway and fired at the team as they looked for papers. With lightening reflexes Evry drew his sidearm and fired twice, dropping the gunman to the ground. "What happened to n4n0?" Angel asked with concern. n4n0 had been stationed outside the door to watch for just such an attack. They ran into the hallway and found him slumped over, a small trickle of blood flowing from the back of his head.

Quickly taking his vitals, they realized he was ok but dazed. The gunman had apparently knocked him out with a blow to the head in an effort to remain silence. n4n0 was going to have a headache worse than the one he got from drinking all that Greek Ouzo the day they landed here, but he wouldn't let it slow him down.

After a few minutes of digging through the notes and folders in this room they found what they were looking for. Confirmation that the attack would happen at 09:00 just as President Papoulias began his speech, and that the explosion would be set off as soon as one of the 5 terrorist killed the president.

"Ok let's get to the end of this tunnel and topside men. We need to meet up with Vandi - our Greek intelligence contact before this whole thing starts, and we're running out of time." said Evry.

A few minutes later after a fast trot to the end of the tunnel, they came up directly under the ancient fortress just as MI Command said they would. This is how the terrorists had brought in all the explosives undetected. The courtyard of the Kastro was filling with people already.. mostly locals who were filled with pride that the President had travelled to their small town on such an important day. People had no idea how much danger they were in.

"There she is" pointed n4n0. They had all seen Vandi's photo so they knew who they were looking for. It wasn't every day you got to meet a member of the local militia who was so stunningly beautiful. "Beautiful but deadly" they each reminded themselves.

"Glad you made it gentlemen" she greeted each of them as she slipped a map out of a small holder at her side. "Here are the most likely positions for you to take around the courtyard for a clear view of the audience." She pointed to five spots around the perimeter. "My team is working now to remove the C4, so all you need to concentrate on is removing the gunmen that will be blended into the crowd. I have no idea how you're going to find them, but heaven help us all if you don't."

General beerman616's briefing once again ran through their heads. "Each one of you have shown a unique sense of observation, of perception, of attention to detail." In the next 30 minutes that unique sense was going to be put to the test!

(fun fact: that really is a photo of a girl named Vandi who lives in Lamia. I made up the part about her involvement with military intelligence however.)

...to be continued

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Respectfully submitted
Colonel Dania
Mobile Infantry Press Officer

"Freedom is never free." ~Anonymous
