Mexico: The new Russia?

Day 936, 12:27 Published in USA USA by The Sensei

Well, good job Mexico, you have successfully impeached your current president Juanisimo.

If only he had a sombrero he could be "Tio Sam"...

But you have a slight problem. Monica Martinez is your new president.

"Now come on The Sensei, you're a sexist douche bag!"

Well, this is true, but not on this occasion! Click on the link. First of all, unless this is a second account of a someone who was banned for making multiple accounts, she has only played the game for a few weeks. And second of all, she got banned!

This may remind a few of us of 4ept, the deceased ex-Russian president. Since I can't find any screenshot of his multiple failed impeachments, here is a written explanation.

Russia has had a lot of stupid moments, but only the impeachment of 4ept defeats this

During the reign of Jewitt in the states, he attempted to free Asia (a mission that we still have to complete) from the Phoenix aggressors that currently settle there. During the seiges of Liaoning when we attacked Iran and during the seige of Hellokitty which was unsuccessfully and called "a blocking battle," Russia was helpless. 4ept could not propose any laws. Why? Because he was banned. When Russia tried to impeach their president, they failed. Then they tried again a week later (because you have a wait a week in between presidential impeachment attempts), and failed again. This was on the day of senatorial changes, so over 40 votes were cast. Still, a 2/3 majority was not met.

Only time will tell whether or not Mexico can impeach their banned president.