Message to America: Move to Israel!!!

Day 692, 04:30 Published in Israel Israel by Ezekiel Ben-Or

This is a message to all Jews, Hebrews and Adventurous Gentiles residing in eUSA: Move to eIsrael!

Why Israel? Why would I move to such a small and isolated country when I can take part in FORTIS' epic struggle against the evil PEACE war-machine?

Here are few reasons why:

1. eIsrael has a small population of approximately 600 citizens (more than half of whom are voting) spread across 5 electoral districts and divided into 5 parties. It it therefore possible for any citizen of voting level to make a real difference to the running of the country, either by being elected to congress or by participating in party politics and the collective decision-making process. Immigrants to eIsrael quickly discover how easy it is to make contact with elected officials and cabinet ministers. We are a friendly, tight-knit community of players who meet and exchange ideas at every hour of the day on our active forum, IRC channel and in the press.

2. What eIsrael lacks in size and numbers we make up for in military prowess and organisation. Veterans of the great US/PEACE war will tell you that a number of highly trained and disciplined Israeli fighters fought valiantly on US soil and provided material support to their American brothers at a critical time in US history. The current Israeli government has ensured that this martial tradition continues by re-organising the IDF (Israel Defense Force) into a force capable of taking on PEACE aggressors at home and abroad.

3. eIsrael has taken a strong stand against any form of military or diplomatic aggression and imperialism in the eWorld. Like the US, to whom we owe our independence, and its Canadian ally, we "we support any nation who rejects the oppression and occupation of other nations" (WahooBob, US Secretary of State). Although defense of the motherland is important to us, we are not pacifists. We are prepared to fight for the cause of freedom and self-rule wherever these are violated.

4. A recent'>study has shown eIsrael to be the country where the cost of living is lowest in the eWorld with 5 wellness costing only 0.16 gold! We have a battery of state-owned companies and collectives (kibbutzim - unique in the eWorld) working flat out to provide inexperienced players with decent jobs and to fund our numerous state welfare initiatives (gift distribution to boost wellness and training programmes for low-level players). Talks are underway to involve eIsrael in regular training wars that would be beneficial to all.

This article was sponsored by eIsrael's young and dynamic political party: the United Zionist Socialist Party (UZSP). The United Zionist Socialist Party endeavours to create a new model in eIsraeli politics to realize, in a bold and inclusive way, our collective dream: to make Israel a light unto all nations! We are a party of eIsraelis, by eIsraelis, and for eIsraelis.

With the UZSP you have the chance to shape the future of this brave nation from the bottom-up!

Upon moving to eIsrael PM this paper's parent organisation (Etz Chaim Org) for gifts and immigration advice

Expecting you soon in the mythical land of milk and honey!

Israel Press Agency