Mesagerul din farfurie !

Day 561, 14:33 Published in Romania Romania by Rex Thraciae

Am prins in seara asta un porumbel mesager al ungurilor ,si cum oricum aveam mamaliga in meniu pt. seara asta m-am gandit sa fac o ciulama.
Cand am vrut sa-l ``epilez``,am dat de o capsula rosu-alb-verzuie,am desfiletat dopul si scuturand capsula,mi-a cazut in palma o bucata de hartie...hopaa...

Si ce sa hartie, pe langa o insiruire nenaturala de litere ( mai tarziu mi-am dat seama ca nu este un cod ci pur si simplu este limba ungara ) era si un mesaj scris in limba engleza pe care vi-l redau integral..

Textul din capsula rosu-alb-verzuie:

If the servers will not fail tomorrow we will attack Podolia tomorrow. For this we must defend Dnipro both in the direct battle as in the RW.

The fighting priorities for day 561 are:

0. Fight smart. After battles and hospital your wellness level should be above 90. After daychange do not fight, wait for the attack of Podolia – it will start between 1:05 and 1:31 eRepublik time
1. Dnipro against the Romanians . The battle will end at 1:05 erep time. We must raise the wall to +120.000 to discourage any tanking attempt from Romania.
2. Dnipro RW – Green The battle will end at 0:12 erep time. The wall must be raised to +60.000 so we avoid Romanians coming over to fight in this battle.
3. North Caucasus Region RW – Push Green The battle will end tomorrow at 4:03 erep time. This is the only high oil region of Hungary, we must defend it. Target to achieve +50.000 wall.
4 Siveria RW - Fight Green. The battle will end tomorrow 06:30 erep time. We must raise the wall to +20.000.
5. Dnipro against the Romanians . If the previous target are achieved fight again in Dnipro against the Romanians.

Romanians will probably open several RW-s to split our forces. We must not fight in any other battle them previously specified.

If you come to Hungary move to Urals region. If you come after 10:45 erep time today move to North Caucasus Region. Q5 hospital is deployed right now.

Thanks to all allies who help us in this battle....


Ciulamaua a fost nemipomenita,pacat ca nu mi-a mai ramas ca sa va dau si voua..

Ne vedem maine pe campul de batalie.


P.S:Maine am gulas in meniu,si va invit pe toti la masa. 🙂