Memo From the Supreme Commander [Australia]

Day 756, 15:22 Published in Australia South Africa by Exilious
I am very happy to announce that the real Ines Schumacher is back. Thanks to the great work by MuscleRoller, DentalPlan, Cornelious Obrien, and the rest of the interim government for our great work on locating the suspected Bandito and turning him into admins. It is thanks to our hard work that Ines is back in action.

Unfortunately, due to the severity of the situation, we cannot simply hand the keys to the country back over to Ines. It is too dangerous and too much of a risk to the safety and longevity of our nation. Until further notice, the Revolutionary Government will remain in power & martial law will remain in effect.

We must band together. To unite against this foreign threat. This act of theivery along with the invasion of South Africa last week are both acts of war upon South Africa from the enemy Brazillians.

My first major act as Supreme Commander of South Africa is this. A message to Brazil:
Brazil. Long have your filth plagued our lands. You are invaders. Tyranical and menanical. You are no longer welcome in these lands. You must vacate all South African regions by the end of the month. Any region you have taken from South Africa in the past must be returned. Go back to where you came from and never return. If Brazil has not vacated South Africa by the end of the month, then action will be taken.

Godspeed, South Africa. Try to enjoy your holidays.

Supreme Commander, South Africa