Memo from the CJCS

Day 820, 20:39 Published in USA USA by NXNW



To: All eUS Military personnel, Militias and Civilian Volunteers
From: NXNW, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
Date: Day 820
Subject: Peace Treaty with the eUK

POTUS Josh Frost recently announced that the eUSA has agreed to a "Neutral Peace" with the eUK. This treaty, which will be a binding agreement between the two nations, has caused some concern as it does not assign a penalty to the eUK for past attacks on the eUSA & eCanada. Many citizens of the eUSA regard these attacks as dishonorable and as such it is important for the general populace as well as members of the eMilitary to learn the stance of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the service branch Chiefs regarding the treaty.

Immediately prior to the Invasion of North America (WW3) the eUK leadership announced that the eUK was a neutral nation and that they would engage in a series of "training wars" with Hungary. These "training wars" masked an attempt by the eUK to acquire high value resource regions in eCanada. Eventually the eUK was ejected from North America. Since that time the eUK launched numerous unprovoked attacks on the eUSA. Despite these many attacks the eUSA never retaliated with an attack on the eUk until requested to do so by EDEN High Command.

As the eUK possesses neither significant resources nor strategic position it is not an important nation in the e-world. To paraphrase Gertrude Stein's remarks about Oakland "there is no there, there." To compound this lack of strategic value the eUK has long had an array of 16-18 Mutual Protection Pacts (MPPs) which would be triggered if the eUSA were to attack. This lineup of nations would be hard to stop and could pose a legitimate threat to the security of the eUSA. The JCS has long contended that an attack on the eUK would serve no strategic value. Former POTUS Jewitt, on the urging of EDEN High Command, agreed to attack the eUK against the input of the JCS.

The estimation of the top military leadership of the eUSA is that additional assaults on the eUK are a waste of resources and are unsound from a strategic point of view due to the 18 MPPs now open against the eUSA. We unanimously support the decision to end the conflict with the eUK.

General Nxnw
Chairman, JCS

Commandant of the eUSMC

General of the National Guard

Maxmillian VW
General of the Airborne

Hadrian X
General of the Army

General of the MI

General of the Training Corps