Melissa Rose: A Campaign Article?

Day 2,151, 21:06 Published in USA USA by Melissa Rose

Some mood music ( Surprise!)

I was incredibly proud to be nominated for Federalist Party President.

Over the last month, under the leadership of Tyler Bubblar, the party has started the process of rebuilding from our loses during the ATO efforts. As an Adviser and Media Director I have had the pleasure of being a part of… scratches the record….

I can’t do it. I just can’t write a long and involved campaign article telling you everything you want to hear. That’s just not who I am. So let’s just drop the pretense and sit down and talk a bit.

Why do I want to be PP of the feds? (There’s the one question I haven’t been asked).

I thought about running for several months now but it never seemed like the right time. Problems with my health, overloading myself in game. Trying to be everything for everybody.

Last week I sat down and thought about it as I was being nominated. Am I going to say yes this time? Do I want this? Can I do this? Sure I’ve done it before but it was a completely different game back then. Three years ago to the day to be exact. I was PP before V2, back when we ran for congress. What could I possibly bring to the Party as President in the current game? Can I even do this?

Today while talking to someone about this exact question, it was pointed out to me exactly why I can do this. I’ve been helping with leadership the last two months while multi tasking the hell out of being a host on eNPR, CoSecMed, Federalist Media Director and Deputy Secretary and then Secretary of DHS. I bring the ability to organize and lead. I bring the ability to herd cats and make sure they are doing their jobs. Which is honestly the vast majority of the job.

What I won’t do, is tell you what you want to hear so you’ll elect me. Politics can be more about what you tell them than what can actually be accomplished and that is annoying. I will not promise to grow the party some “randomly thought of” amount. I will not promise that I can fix every issue. What I will promise is to be active and attentive. I will listen and I will make sure that you are supported and that you feel at home.

(I suppose I should get back to writing something about what I actually plan to do)

One of my main goals this coming month will be media presence. Media has always been a point of struggle for the feds and I hope to change that in the upcoming month. I was the Media Director over the past month and I was given a lot of room to do with it as I pleased. To me the job of Media Director should not be to write all articles themselves but to review articles assigned to other writers within the party. The Director should be more of a senior editor than a writer. I modeled it after what I learned while working with Custer on the WHPR and it has worked out very well. We have a number of very good writers within the party and we have been able to utilize them.

(okay I still can’t do it… I am just not the write what you want to hear kind of person)

I am proud to be nominated and I will do my best to make you proud to be Feds!

Stay Proud and Stay Horny my friends.

"I would rather rot in hell for all of eternity for standing by my principles, than get into heaven by leaving those principles behind"

Melissa Rose: A Campaign Article?