MEGA interview with CP Candidates

Day 2,235, 15:27 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by moomoohead

I sent all 5 people running for CP 25 interview questions. I got a bit caried away with the amount. The anwsers are below, I think they give a good insight into the people running this month. They are all good people and I wish them all good luck. I did not get a responce back from Mic and BB said he is not running.

CTB = Cry of the Banshee
KK = Kaptain Kidd

1.What is your RL country and why did you choice to play in Ireland?
Bhane: I am a plastic paddy, a US citizen with Irish heritage. eIreland will always be my home in this game
CTB- i am french in RL and i asked the irish CS because i wanted to play in a small and proud community.
KK-I'm actually a Canadian and have served as CP there in the past. Problems arose because I am outspoken and a 'doer', those that wished to be feet draggers and play politics didn't like me, so be it. I chose Ireland because of our history, myself + Ireland has equalled success. I believe in loyalty to those who have believed in me.

2.Who are the Three people in eIreland you admire the most and why?
Bhane: JohntheMany - My first employer
Castaneda - I wish he would re-enter politics
Seanan - The work he has put into building a truly apolitical state army is laudible.
CTB- admiration is too big but i really apreciate liam tatlock, BickUA and raven anarcho, and of course lot other players, but these three players changed my eHistory.
KK-I don't really admire people. I'll give a shout out to Ian Coleman though, when I moved to Ireland he was the only one who reached out to me. There is a reasom EA is number one imo.

3.What is eIrelands biggest current problem?
Bhane: Party politics.
There are people so focused on defeating other eIrish citizens, they will do whatever it takes to destroy "the enemy". They will say any lie, and use any dirty politic tactic you can think of, and then they do more. What they don't realize is that if they worked WITH their fellow countrymen instead, that energy could be better spent really making this nation so much stronger.
CTB- the relations/action with/on UK in general make trouble in ireland and divides our players.
KK-Unity obviously. There are no easy answers to this, however I strive to do my best to be reasonable without being confrontational.

4.Specificly how are you going to make this game fun next month?
Bhane: we have made a lot of efforts in the community department to bring more articles to the media for purely entertainment purposes. I hope to expand on that.
CTB-i want to give more power to citizen, i want they feel they have a real impact, and not just vote and clic for work and train.
KK-By taking Ireland where it's never been before. Building an alliance for ourselves has never been tried. Outwardly it will likely look boring as hell, but walking on the moon was also boring in reality. For those less into those kinda games the possible war with canada has a lot of benefits. By not scripting the war and only the closing of it leaves a free realm of possibilities nobody can guess the outcome of.

5.What are the three biggest duties of a MoF?
Bhane:Keeping the bank safe, and growing it through MM churn investing.
CTB-attentive to the monetary market, loyal and trustable
KK-Really there's only one and that's calculation. It's really an unforgiving job of number crunching and forecasting. I wouldn't wish the job on anyone, but I respect the people that can do it. The gov't makes demands and somehow the MoF makes those numbers work, it's hell in a handbasket.

6.What is your RL news year revelotion?
Bhane: I think you mean "resolution", or is there some tradition I'm unaware of in which people reveal some great secret every year. I'll do both for you. My resolution is to not-die this year. My revelation, is that I go back to starting chemotherapy tomorrow.
CTB-too personnal
KK-I don't do that

7.The Irish Reserve has 2.2 million in it, what would you do with it if elected CP?
Bhane: You're misrepresenting the situation. The reserve is not a windfall to be spent. It's the capital fund that is the source of the MM revenue, which pays for our state army. If the nation would decide to end the state funding of the IA, we would not need the capital funds. In that case, I would dividend out the bank to all the eIrish. To just "spend it" would mean the adopting a completely different socioeconomic dynamic in eIreland. If that becomes the will of the people, I would gladly implement the policy change.
CTB-make this money useful for citizen and work on our marketplace
KK-Let appleman continue to work it, he's done a great job of it. If anything I might wanna expand our MPP list in the alliance building part however I want those funds to be calculated to be self substaining just as they are currently.

8.Why should we trust you with the keys to the bank?
Bhane: You shouldn't trust any CP that wants the keys to the bank. I have not made Apple give me the keys, and I'm not going to.
CTB- stealing or use money for my own interest is just the contrary of my spirit. that's all i can say.
KK-I've answered this already but I refuse the keys to the bank, I don't want them. But if it makes everyone feel better I have a history, when I did have the keys in Canada I inserted money not removed it.

9.Who will your VP be if you get elected and why?
Bhane: Don Croata, because he was my right hand man when we conquered London in my first CP term. I know if I want something done, he can make it happen.
CTB- still in negociation, you will know in my next article
KK-Winston Hope Smith. He has been CP before and understands the job. I also don't believe we agree on many things, that keeps me honest. I've used the word unity here already, I have my reasons.

10.If you could only airstrike one country which would it be?
Bhane: Probably somewhere in Asia/Pacifica. We live in Europe and are very familiar with all the conflicts here. If we are going to AS, we might as well really stretch our legs, and see the other side of the world. Maybe Cyprus, since we have eIrish friends there for a fun training war.
CTB- pakistan, with our friend croatia near it's the perfect country to AS for us.
KK-I'd call it a waste of money and time.

11.Do you spend much time on IRC, do you think it is required of a CP?
Bhane: I am not on IRC, and I have had successful CP terms. It is not required, there are plenty of in-game tools for communication.
CTB- i am not a big fan of irc but i will do the job if i am elected.
KK-I spend as much time on irc as I need, it increases and decreases. But to the point yes, IRC is essential to doing a good job. The real knowledge and fast information comes from the personal relationships you build first hand. You might be able to get by without it, but you'll never build the relations you need without it.

12.How would you describe your leadership styls?
Bhane: My leadership style is one of inclusiveness. Despite all the propaganda, and lies, I don't dictate any decisions. I facilitate the decision making process of the people, or the dail, and I implement their decisions. If I were to just bark orders, the country would look very different right now, but I respect the will of the people.
CTB- passion and resolution !
KK-I'm a 'doer'. If I decide to do something I work at it. I also expect this from others. I'm not a slave driver but I expect people to do what they should be doing. I'll expect daily updates from my staff, however, I went to the dentist and didn't feel like sh!t so I sat around with my finger up my a$$, is an acceptable update. I like to be informed, regardless of the information. The reasoning is sound for it, mainly that everyone is on the same page at all times so people aren't contridicting each other.

13.Who do you consider your three closest eFriends?
Bhane: I don't have any close friends in the game. That's probably because I don't IRC, and the metagame people get very clique-ish. I have probably a hundred e-friends or acquaintences, but I would not call any of them particularly close.
CTB- my banshees :') !
KK-eFriends is kinda weird, but if their were 3 people I would trust to talk about anything with I'd say Mr Jack X, Jude Conners and that 'Old Man Custer guy'.

14.What have you achieved in this game that made you the most proud and what was your best time playing this game so far?
Bhane: In my first CP term I spent thousands of my own tanks supplying our march to plant the Irish flag in London.
CTB- my party, an amazing happyness to create and see it growing :') and the shield tournament, i gave all i had for the country.
KK-I can't say anything besides being the first CP to conquer London, working with Ireland it was an epic moment.

15.If you could have dinner with anyone in the world dead or alive who would it be and why?
Bhane: My best friend that I have lost contact with. We haven't seen each other in years.
CTB-marc aurele probably the best human ever, respect.
KK-Justine Bieber. Really, I'd just like to punch him in the head myself.

16.Favorite Animial, cat, dog, other?
Bhane: For a housepet, I prefer cats. I am lazy, and they are very low maintenance. You don't need to walk them 3 times a day, and with modern, automated litterboxes, you don't even need to scoop anymore. You just leave out some food, and pet them when you need a companion. For some fun playtime, all you need is a laser pointer.
CTB- not really fan of animals but cats give me smile sometimes.
KK-Dog, truly man's best friend. Besides I'm highly allergic to cats.

17.How many times a day do you log in to game and how many hours are you on the game?
Bhane: I log in dozens of times a day. I am constantly checking in for a few minutes, or hours.
CTB- too many hours/day 😁"
KK-Easily over a dozen logins. Time depends on who's around to hang with, I can spend 5 mins or all day depending on what's going on.

18.Please give three words that best describe you?
Bhane: Honesty, Integrity, Generosity
CTB- driven-loyal-imaginative
KK-Redneck, honor, easygoing.

19.What do you think the tougest part about being CP is going to be for you?
Bhane: The same challenge I have faced the previous terms. Party politic hitmen assaulting the media with an absolute barrage of lies.
CTB- the air strike if we really do it.
KK-Staying sober. There's nothing like becoming CP and getting drunk for the month. 😛

20.Name the two most influential people in another country in eRepublik that you call a friend?
Bhane: I'll go back to the previous statement on friends. It would be Smee Again and Romper, if I had to pick the two foreigners that I have the most repoire with. Me and Smee Again got to know each other, and worked closely in another browser game. I had a few good talks with Romper once upon a time, too. Because I have not overused that friendship (as many people would be tempted to), he has come eIreland's aid every time I have PMd him.`
CTB- i will not give names but some influent players of france that i know
KK-Oblige and ilphen

21.Specificly what information should be published about a countries finances and what should not?
Bhane: I ask Apple to publish an expenditure report every term. If eIreland sends money anywhere, or spends money on anything, then the people should know where it goes.
CTB- the states of our treasury must be shown each month. to the thing we have to keep secret i will see if i am elected (with appleman)
KK-I think providing information of where our money is that anyone that wants to watch it is fine. Giving out full statements for international viewing is not a good idea. Anyone can watch an org if you want them to or not, butif you feel that strongly about it you're welcome to watch.

22.What is your favorite county in Ireland?
Bhane: I usually stay in Dublin when I am on eIrish soil, because it is the capital. But I really love all of eIreland best, it's hard to pick favorites.
CTB- i didn't travel in all ireland sadly..
KK-Actually Cork, the metallica remake of the old folk song just has me sold.

23.Bsest Irish CP to date and why?
Bhane: Sweet Drinker's financial diligence during his CP tenure is the reason our bank has recovered to the level it has since the robbery.
CTB- none because no month was perfect enough, but how can it be? 😉
KK-Patrick O'Leary. Just because I got to work with him and our UK invasion, while imperfect, was just a total blast.

24.Favortie RL sports team?
Bhane: College - The Buckeyes
Pro - The Browns (sigh)
CTB- ice hockey, soon winter olympic games o/
KK-Ottawa Senators

25.Why did you pick your in game name?
Bhane: It's one of my favorite old DnD characters. He was an epic Dwarf Armorsmith/Weaponsmith, who crafted all his own gear.
CTB- i love celtic culture and imaginary. i like y name, poetic and dangerous

Thank you to all three people running for CP for anwsering my questions.