Meet Zonmei

Day 2,361, 18:16 Published in USA USA by seeker1

You have been with the Airborne for some time now. Can you talk a bit about your Time in eRep. before you joined us?

I started eRep back in 2009. One of my old work buddies was an active Fed and recruited me. I immediately joined the TC then MÏ. I spent a lot of time on the forums and IRC because, at the time, it was not only a requirement, but really fun. I split time between the Mil forums and the Libertarian forums. I took a run at Kongress and was elected, but politics and Mil don't mix very well. I was really frustrated with the system and even more frustrated with what happened to the mil during my time in Kongress, so I left to the eUK.

My time in the eUK was really nice. I joined up with the political party, Every Single One, and shortly after helped found the eUKs most prominent MU, The Legion. I ran a commune and we were so organized that we became the official MU of the eUK. It was a really hard decision to shut down The Legion, but the few of us that supplied were running out of gas.

I started to read the eUS media more as the eUK was wiped more often than not and with the MU closing down I had a lot of free time. I saw that Greenday and Necroman joined up with the Airborne so I decided to give it a try.

Why did you join the Airborne? There are so many MUs you could have chosen from. What keeps you with us?

I joined the Airborne because a few people that made the US Mil so fun had joined. I also liked the forums better than the eUS forums. There's something to be said about the structure that I remembered from my MÏ days too!

I spent some time in the SF before I left to the eUK, but I really can't commit to as much activity as they require now.

I like the IRC community the AB has. I'm also a 'real life' paratrooper so out of all the branches, this one is for me.

How well do our organization and procedures fit your needs? Is there anything you would like to see changed?

I like that activity is required, but it isn't too extreme. I would like to see more forum games/activity. Darkskye ran some great Department of Pie games in the MÏ and we have enough guys from that era to recreate it. I think we'd need to broaden it to eUS Mil wide rather than a specific branch.

Have you had any interesting, exciting or just plain fun experiences since you joined us?

I like our contests. When they run in conjunction with eRep contests it makes a good case for burning zookas and Ebs. The contests vary, but it takes activity from IRC, responding to in game roll call messages, and fights and gives a great representation of a person's activity. During our last contest I blew through 300 EBs and ~400 zookas. I was lucky enough to get 1st in damage and hits for D3 in our MU!

Would you recommend the Airborne to a qualified friend who was looking for an MU?

I sure would. No politics is nice! Plus the IRC channels are good for some entertainment.

Would you like to add anything?

If you're thinking about joining the eUS Military, do it! There's a branch for everyone regardless of your experience level.

Thank you, Zonmei for your story.


Minimum requirement: 15,000 Strength
Application: Airborne Application
Public IRC channel: #Airborne

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