Meet the Congressional Election Candidate - Oregon

Day 697, 09:22 Published in USA USA by Mohan Kumar

For those who don't know me already, I'm Mohan Kumar & I'm running for the October Congressional Elections as the America's Advancement Party candidate from Oregon.
To know my background, who I am and what I stand for, please read my previous article, ""The Birth of a Freedom Fighter. I and my campaign aide potatoe cakes will provide you with any information you may want to know about us.

Why am I running for Congress?

I realized that the issues that I care about the most, namely the pursuance of freedom for all nations and all peoples & the support and guidance of new e-citizens and e-republikans is better served when I am able to ensure that the leaders at the top, don't forget the little ones supporting them from beneath. In a world of BETA giants, the newbies must not feel left out. Just as I have been propped up, encouraged and supported by a few enlightened souls, so should a government consider social projects for it's new citizens.

It is my contention, that the strongest nations of the world are often those that protect, nurture and encourage their weakest citizens. It is the responsibility and the duty of the strong to lend a helping hand to the weak, the rich to the poor and so on.

Why Oregon?

When I considered the list of states that I could choose for my congressional bid for the AAP America's Advancement Party, the state that stood out for me, was Oregon. A little West Coast state, blessed with natural beauty standing tall and proud on the rim of the Pacific Ocean. It wasn't just the natural splendor of the RL Oregon that was the attraction for me. It was the fact that this little state borders the Hungarian occupied region of Washington State. The symbolism of it all was too much for me. It is my dream and my mission to see to it that during my term, every possible action is taken, to free the last occupied territories of the e-USA. The border state was my natural choice to prove that point.

We will work to ensure the safety and territorial integrity of Oregon and the e-USA.

What Programs do we propose for newbies?

We propose the strengthening of existing food and moving ticket projects like "meals on wheels" and the "flying unicorn", in addition to improving the mass contact program to encourage newbies to take on citizen mentors. We propose to reimburse citizen mentors for their performance, a scheme which will be financed mainly through contributions from wealthy e-citizens and e-tycoons with minimal govt. support.

One thing I noticed as a newbie, was that the lack of training wars meant a lot less experience points, health improvement & military ranking up.
I would say that other than the "meals on wheels" and "flying unicorn" (which are targeted at those with level less than 5) the next most important newbie program is the training war (which helps those in the awkward phase between and the ability to be independent). Training wars improve health, experience points, military rank and overall productivity.

If we are elected,we will work with the DoD to ensure regular (if possible daily) training wars for the benefit of new e-citizens.

What is our position on the WW3 and Foreign Affairs?

As a strong supporter of the unconditional freedom of ALL regions and for ALL peoples to be treated with respect, I would advocate the continued military struggle to free ALL regions of the world, once our own TOTAL freedom has been secured. To this end I advocate the total unconditional support of the e-US govt, to the military and paramilitary groups whose support is crucial to fighting wars abroad. Those who don't know where to fight please refer to the DoD publication .

The e-USA MUST not neglect it's allies and friends in Europe, Africa & Asia. The war is not over until a comprehensive universal genuine peace treaty guaranteeing the freedom of nations and independence of occupied territories is definite. Till then, the fight will go on.

This is not to say that I totally dis-regard the option of negotiation. We shall negotiate from a position of strength. We can go to the negotiating table if the enemy is willing to discuss the issues unconditionally, but let there be no doubt. There SHOULD NOT BE, any dilution of the principle of the freedom of all nations, which is their right. We should not be party to a resolution which partitions a third country among powerful nations. We should be the ones to stand up for the little countries like SA, India, Australia etc.

How will we interact and co-ordinate with the e-US leadership?

I assure you all, that I will be active on the e-US forums, as well as report regularly to the AAP party forums to ensure that our efforts are coordinated and well orchestrated. We will be in close contact with the President, the cabinet & all other members of congress to ensure that Oregon's views are heard and considered. I will take the guidance and support of my friends and mentors, John Kelly (Senator of Alberta, Canada) & Astra Kat (Queen & Senator of California) and senior leaders of the party and the nation, to serve Oregon and the e-US better. Most Importantly, I shall report to you, the people of Oregon, on a daily basis through this journal, informing you of my every move and taking in your views and ideas.

How will we benefit Oregon?

It is our dream, to see that the Oregon, is a state of quickly developing e-citizens. I hope to one day (I know it won't be soon) bring high quality Health and defense systems to encourage people to migrate to Oregon. I will use my congressional power to approve citizenship requests with care and encourage active and well meaning e-citizen-prospectors from foreign lands to settle in Oregon and improve the local economy. I hope to see Oregon become as populous, rich and influential as our regional power California.

If you like our platform and are interested in voting for us, please PM me in game or in the forum and we will get back to you as to how best to ensure victory for the AAP come election day.

Vote for Mohan Kumar !!

Vote AAP !!

Vote for Progress, Vote for FREEDOM !!
Mohan Kumar is endorsed by the AAP, Socialist Freedom Party & the Incumbent US Workers Party Senator of e-Oregon, Aaron S