Meet the 82nd Airborne Division

Day 1,884, 15:25 Published in USA USA by seeker1

By Lt. Colonel Nfin

82nd Airborne Division 1st Platoon “Rebels Without A Cause” (or a rebel leader)

The 82nd Airborne Division’s 1st Platoon is a scraggly bunch who have been without any Platoon Officer for over a month. Props to these guys for staying active on the forums and leading from within!

The unit is comprised of all privates:

Leroy Combs
Darth Vader 1
Michael ManyTrees

82nd Airborne Division 2nd Platoon

The 2nd Platoon of the 82nd Airborne Division is commanded by 1Lt. Vrpanch who has been in command since August 09, 2012. Vrpanch is by far the most senior of all our Platoon Commanding Officers! The Executive Officer of 82/2 is RuviG who is gaining experience as he was just promoted on January 14, 2013!


Melo G

82nd Airborne Division Senior Officers

Division Commanding Officer James Strife has been in command of the 82nd Division since October 10th, 2012. He came up through the ranks as Platoon Commanding Officer of the 101st Division 1st Platoon!

Division Executive Officer NFIN has been the executive officer of the 82nd Division since November 5th, 2012 and as with James Strife earned his command through leading the 101st Division’s 1st Platoon!

If you want to become a full member of an active community, travel the eworld and do things many never do in this game, you should honestly start thinking about joining the Airborne. We are a fun and active community protecting the eUnited States of America. Heres a little info on our eUS Military branch and how to join today!

Airborne minimum requirements are Division 3 or 4

Apply Here

Not strong enough for the Airborne yet or have no experience with a military group?
Then join the eUS Training Corps!