Medium Grain

Day 794, 20:02 Published in Canada Canada by Jacobi

I run Carpenter Industries. My original reason to play erepublik was not to run Canada for six months, no, it was to run a business.

My first company was CI Foods. Still have it, its all the way to quality four now though my political career has meant its taken a back seat time and time again. I also, in my newbish wisdom, purchased a grain company to feed my food company named CI Grain.

It was Medium Grain.

Not thinking about why it was so cheap, and not thinking that the game would put a medium designation without it being not completely useless, I upgraded it to Q2 and was very proud of myself. But try as I might, I couldn't make a profit.

So I started haranguing Congress. I started lobbying for the domestic grain industry. I had plenty of debates with the Minister of Finance at the time, Alexander Rearden. I thought so strongly that I could compete as a medium company if only this or only that went my way. And mind you, Q2 grain at that time sold for 70 cents.

No. At the end of the day I was being a newb. I didn't understand economics because I didn't have the experience at the time to realize that medium grain was a non-starter. Having been convinced by Mr. Rearden, I sold my grain company at a loss. I was sad, but I learned a valuable lesson about how erepublik works. Eventually Alexander Rearden would run for President, and so confident in my ability to learn, asked me to be his Minister of Finance if he won.

And we lived happily ever after.


Fast forward to today. Congress has euthanized the domestic Iron industry which suffers from the unfortunate fantasy called medium productivity. It was a particularly brutal blow which had none of the niceties that were afforded to me by Alexander Rearden. The iron industry in Canada is dead, and regardless of what's being said here: it isn't coming back.

What's more. As long as Canada only has medium iron (and considering statistics on iron production in real life, it should have a high iron Quebec) it will remain dead. Any Congress in the future that decides to resurrect it because of roleplaying (rea😛 misplaced Quebecois nationalism) is committing economic lunacy.

To those people who invested, ran, and hardly profited from iron companies in Canada, you have learned a valuable lesson about economics in erepublik.

You could bitch and complain about it, but take it from someone who has been in your shoes:

It's not going to do you, or your iron, any good.

John "Jacobi" Carpenter