Medic: 8-29 What I do edition

Day 283, 11:12 Published in USA USA by Pearlswine

With the influx of new players I'd like to explain what the medic program is and how it works.

I've developed a few [a url=]Python Scripts[/a] which collect information on Erepublik's citizens.

First I get a list of every company operating in the US. I do this about once a week. I then take that list and get a list of their employees. I then filter the list. First, by date last worked, anyone who hasn't worked in the past 3 days gets the ax. Next, I filter by skill. I usually cut off skill around 3.5. Now I take that list and get some more information about everyone on that list.

I then rank the people left on the list by skill. I remove people with extremely low wellness and presences. From that list, I remove anyone on the banned list (see my previous article for info on that). Then I copy and paste the list below. I then gift everyone to full wellness (99 if you haven't worked that day, 95 if you have).

I am funded by the government. So far this month I've spent around 8000 USD on gifts. That's about 1/3 of the total amount spent on gifts in the US. This position pays 300 USD / month. I only buy domestically produced giftts. I also buy whatever is cheapest on a per wellness point basis whenever possible. I try ad regulate gift prices and greatly reduce spending when gift prices approach 1.50 USD / point.

I only operate when the US is not directly involved in a war. At that point, the military takes over.

I often release demographic information based on some of the information I collect. For instance, the current US active population is now 1451 and is dropping daily. This is to be expected following a population boom like what we saw earlier. I also publish the [a url=]CV List[/a] as a spreadsheet when requested / periodically.

Banned List If you feel you are on the list in error, please let me know
BLAZIN - Eat higher quality food
Taiyou - Eat higher quality food
fischer - Eat higher quality food
NicB - Eat higher quality food
Anti Change - Eat higher quality food
Tyler DurdenCC - Eat higher quality food
Kaos AD- By His Request
Emerick - By His Request
Mike W. - Eat higher quality food
zaney - Eat higher quality food
Tuffguy14 - Eat higher quality food

Top 40 in need of Wellness (* = Fullly Gifted)
40 [a url=]liquatre[/a]
39 [a url=]Hina98[/a]
38 [a url=]Atticus Wilde[/a]
37 [a url=]Mason Cree[/a]
36 [a url=]lambdamu[/a]
35 [a url=]Rain Beechwood[/a]
34 [a url=]Tagsuga[/a]
33 [a url=]wangduex[/a]
32 [a url=]Lynari[/a]
31 [a url=]Docker[/a]
30 [a url=]Danny Boodmann T. D. Lemon Novecento[/a]
29 [a url=]John Rockefeller[/a]
28 [a url=]Matt Warin[/a]
27 [a url=]qiansix[/a]
26 [a url=]zhangtrois[/a]
25 [a url=]TheGodDamnBatman[/a]
24 [a url=]BuzzyTheCat[/a]
23 [a url=]Neuromancer[/a]
22 [a url=]Blondie[/a]
21 [a url=]Granpa K[/a]
20 [a url=]Shirou Emiya[/a]
19 [a url=]Tankshock[/a]
18 [a url=]GFASponge[/a]
17 [a url=]Mazemasu[/a]
16 [a url=]Vladimir Bacik[/a]
15 [a url=]Kyubi_458236[/a]
14 [a url=]Confed[/a]
13 [a url=]Rhane[/a]
12 [a url=]Peter Green[/a]
11 [a url=]David Anderson[/a]
10 [a url=]XTNa[/a]
09 [a url=]ldrebs[/a]
08 [a url=]elBarbacoas[/a]
07 [a url=]Katrielle[/a]
06 [a url=]FlorinSt[/a]
05 [a url=]Kingx[/a]
04 [a url=]Capt.Wolf[/a]
03 [a url=]Joeph Cole[/a]
02 [a url=]martin1[/a]
01 [a url=]King Deaner[/a]