
Day 2,885, 10:39 Published in India India by Patanjali
Oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ


It was this guy, on a coffee shop. He had no cell phone, no tablet or laptop, not writing sms nor surfing the net. He was so quaint. - Author

Ruler of The New World (Shiv, if I understand it right) just wrote an article about Media.
This was strange because Shiv, as I knew it, was not a very public person, that for not very interested in Media.
However (Shiv or not), the subject seems interesting to me, so I will develop a little.

Media is, either the social media or mass media, a form of representation of the world (inner one in the case of social media and outer one in the case of mass media) to be seen by others, the, so called, public.
Words are that social media have been developed by secret services (like CIA) especially to better know what we think, to map our expectations, desires, attitude, etc. Sure, from such players we could not expect compassioned feelings as reasons for that.

Anyhow, the old wise of India teach us that the word exist for the benefit of another, which is the Spirit (Purusha).
Sure, the IIT students (or engineer) who play this game, will be already enough brainwashed by the SCIENCE to deny those ”silly” beliefs in such things, as Spirit. Yet, when they will die (because we all die one day), they will better aim to the light and be brave (because they are already dead and, that for, there is nothing to loose).

Meantime, in this worst organized world, we have to manage our lives, in order to … survive. Efficiently, if we can.
Without moral and ethical rules (my dear iam dinko, it is ok to write, your ideas, some of them, are ok, just do not flood the media because ppl will tend to reject floods) like : ahiṁsā-satya-asteya brahmacarya-aparigrahāḥ yamāḥ, we have no real life. Even in social media.

We could think that many “likes” or “share” could make us important (every one of us tend to consider herself / himself, in the centre of the Universe – because our Purusha is). Same way, many subscribers or votes or endorse to our articles could make us believe we are … “true” or “cool”.
To see if we are, first of all, we need to look inside us. To discover who we really are.

Sure, many of you are young and, yet, unaware of all those things. Still, we, the elders have too (and I think this is our main task in this game) teach you, to help you so that you could be better humans that we are, so that you could achieve more than we did.
This is the main responsibility of the “elders”. To make you better humans.
This is, also, the main target of the media.

Why should we do that ?
Because (when you will grow older you will understand) we need a nice, peaceful time when we are ageing and, that for, we need to have around nice, full of common sense and good morality youngsters.
So, that’s you and us, on this social media (virtual reality, like any other)

So, youngsters, came with your vibrant hearts, with you determination gave by the certain that you will never grow older, with the energy of your wonderful ages and amaze us.
Please do that. Our old harts need emotions, need to feel like they are still young and, that for, we need your support (like giving a glass of water to an old parent).

We love to live through you, to be near you and, if you need any help forget the pride (natural to your age) and call for us. We are here for you.
As you are (we like to believe) near to us, supporting and … accepting us 😃.

All in all, this is the philosophy of the Media. The philosophy that could lead to a better world for us, all.
You could embrace it or ignore it but, if you chose to ignore, lot of opportunities to find out friends and to enlarge your world, will be lost.

Loving you all …

Meri shubhkaamanaaye aapke saath hai !