Media Invasion

Day 2,054, 13:01 Published in Austria Austria by yst31

1.The act of invading, especially the entrance of an armed force into a territory to conquer.
2. A large-scale onset of something injurious or harmful, such as a disease.
3. An intrusion or abuse.

As you can see the word invasion can be understood in a lot of ways and I think it's the best word to express what are we currently living in eAustria.

Since some time our eCountry has lived a great migration of Serbian population into our borders,the purpose of this movements are certainly unknown but give us the enough reasons to seem this situation as a PTO one,this situation affects our communication and relation with our society because we may see some situations related with new players and other people who just want enter in our country and not to damage us in any way as dangerous and make us feel threatened not just now also in future situation,and the mistrust is never positive.
But with this article I don't want to criticize the actions of a determinate group of people or judge them in any way,I just want to show the situation that we are currently living and which is becoming more and more unsustainable,we didn't agree to lose some of our political democracy in the hands of people who tried to manipulate and enter in the political sphere just to obtain a profit of it,when the ancient greeks create the government of the people they wanted to show the vocation of the people who fought for the common wealth and with the time,the democracy has acquired diverse senses and reach objectives to facilitate the labour of the people whose mission was guide other people,after that this word not just became a simple one which is used to convince other people and for that reason,the press was born.

Since ancient times,as we can see,more things have changed but we can't allow some group of people to enforce some rights that they think are the correct ones,with this I want to make reference to people who came from other country just to take something which does not belong to them and through this way they are throwing down our confidence and our trust in the freedom,not just freedom of choice,also the freedom of free press which should be used as a final goal and not just a tool to reach something.This awful process beyond the restriction of simple and vital liberties produces a discriminational situation which is used to separate people in order to it's language and with this I don't want to appeal to an exacerbated nationalism -which is a total non-sense- I just want to show the reality of a normal person who enter here maybe to read something related with the political,economical or military situation of his country and cannot see this because more of the news treats issues related with the attainment of getting more votes or subscribers and even more if he want to understand them,he/she just can't because they are not in a language which is normally used in that country.

We have learned to deal with english,deutsch or even hungarian because all that languages shows people that works for the progress and the wealth of the eAustrian country and are an evident sign of a concern about our political or economical situation,and in your case,the serbian is just used to communicate with people who lives in Serbia,and for that reason I want to ask you a question.If you enjoy writting in serbian or for a public which speaks that language,why don't you have a serbian CS?.because when hungarian is used most of it's uses are for a political topics of eAustria,but your serbian artcles just explain things which are not related with our country.

To finish I want to say that the communication of people in diverse languages are in most cases sign of a good coexistace,but in your case it's just a provocation and an evident sign of spam,for that reason,please stop spaming our press because it's our goal and our key to defend our freedom.

Thanks for reading.