Media and Marketing Update - New Administration

Day 820, 16:54 Published in USA USA by Federalist Media & Marketing

Hello all, and welcome to the NEW Federalist Media Department. I dropped the "& Marketing" part because it is mostly the Media aspect, but we still do the same thing and more. I am eliwood_sain, and I am the new Director. Fingerguns didn't get it because I got merged into M&M and already had Public Relations. Now, kyle321n is President and Political Director, so I got this.

Anyway, to the point. The party has changed, so I get to talk about the goals of each department.

Business Department

The business department, run by Dr. Tango, hopes to begin loans and savings accounts soon. Ask him if you would like more information on these programs.

Media Department

Written from my perspective...

Ideally, I would hope to try and get the Fed Pony Express list weekly. In addition, I'm going to be trying and promoting the Raffles more, in an effort to actually raise money, which I hope will be able to make about 3-5 gold over the course of this month. I also hope to have and actually do a FUNdraiser, through a game like Monopoly or Pictionary.

Recruitment & Retention Department

Written by Eotrick

The R&R goal is simple: Recruit at least 10 people if not more into the party each week and get them a job as a PC and/or a CO.

To get involved, ask Joe Lansing

Military Department

Written by Mourning Star

The Military/ EZCompany plans to become more of a cohesive unit within itself and the party. Ensuring that each member is looked after and trained properly. As well as trying to "wake up" the dead weight, if any, before cutting them from the Militia. As well as recruit at least 5-6 more members. Hopefully before next PP elections. As well as increase our overall damage output from 10,035 to somewhere in the 10,350 range, through weapons training.

Ask him if you have any questions

Federalist Outreach Program

From the perspective of the ibnroshed2

what I will talk about here is how I see the FOP , what is my dreams about it , and how I understand its idea, so ,here it is
1- I am thinking of a ' full care ' system , which means , a welcome message in the game to the new member , mentioning some big names like FOP and FTD and EZC , and introducing the forums as the way to understand those big names
2- After the member registers another welcome message will sent to him in the forums welcoming hi and introducing the forums to him, explaining the basics of the forums and where to find anything he wants
3- After that he will be assigned to one of the fed owned companies to work for it with a salary better than most of the market offers regarding his skills of course, so that we have all feds working in fed companies
4- After that he will be asked to take a look on the available jobs in the party, which are listed in a well known place so that anyone can get to it
5- If he became an active person in the party he may win the PM medal (party man medal) which is awarded to one ember each month and this person is given a q3 house for example
6- Also we are talking about communication between departments; any one in any department wants to know anything or want to cooperate with any other department but does not know how he may ask his PC, who will guide him
7- Do not forget the elections we are talking about high and massive voting to every candidate we have
8- We must not forget the increasing of our numbers, because if you did not notice our rank became 5th again

Well there are any hopes and dreams in the above words, I do not know if I am going to accomplish those dreams this month, but what I am sure is that I will put the basis may god e with us

Ask him with any questions

Yes, I just appeased kyle321n, and I'm happy with it. If you have any questions regarding any material, or how to get involved with a department, contact the corresponding person.

More info on the Federalist Media Department

Federalist Media Director
NAU Politics Professor
Congress - 23rd - 26th Congresses - Oklahoma