Meaningless Accusations

Day 709, 17:30 Published in Singapore USA by Arbryn


Hello Citizens of eSingapore,

I know there has been much drama as of late regarding the individual known as Elizabeth Jones. I have yet to make any official stance on this topic and would like to simply state my opinion on the situation to avoid any confusion or misrepresentation of what I may or may not believe on this matter.

EJ has made many claims over the the past weeks/month since first running for Congress in Sept. Usually when a person makes a claim they are able to back it up with facts or some sort of evidence. However as shown many times over as of late, this may not always be the case.

EJ has stooped to a new level of politics, one that is pretty unfamiliar to most residents of eSingapore and as such reactions have been mixed, but mostly negative. This type of politics is of mudslinging and defaming of those considered to be opposition to ones purpose, ideals or beliefs. Seeing as how EJ seeks to be in the eSingapore government, obviously the main targets of EJ's accusations would be those individuals within the government itself that EJ considers direct opposition or threat to those goals.

In these attempts to defame, I myself as President of eSingapore am an obvious target for such slander from such an individual. Even though I personally welcomed EJ to eSingapore and never treated EJ in any unfair manner or disrespectful manner at any point prior to being "attacked". I even welcomed EJ when the announcement came that EJ was running for Congress (the first time) as can be seen here in EJ's own newspaper announcing to run for Congress.

"Arbryn one month ago

Good luck on your run EJ.

The DS idea has been tossed around much and could be a good idea if our population increases some more but atm we are unsure if it is or not based on the gold per defense point cost. Its a tough call unless we can come into some extra gold. Currently the consensus is that several tanks could do much more damage then the DS atm with same gold cost.

I do not think my comment was in any way demeaning or rude. In fact I meant it in quite a positive manner trying to spark another healthy debate on the issue and maybe stir some more ideas... Yet from this point on all I have received was attacks on my character, ideas & reputation from this individual. And for the most part lies about the way our government is run and the successes we have had.

I obviously cannot respond to every falsified claim that EJ has laid before us about individuals of our government or even myself as the advertisements and articles/comments in eRep and in the national forums are simply too numerous so I will simply respond to the 1 advert currently sitting right in my face. One advertisement (again) without ANY article to even back up the false claims advertised.

This advert claims "GOT LEADERSHIP? She's a 4 time president but yet she continues to FAIL at improving the statistics of our country. Where is her HELP WANTED sign? She needs it...bad."

Well this in many ways is simply an ignorant comment as anyone who has actually lived in eSingapore and played the game here over the past 9 months is likely already well aware of how much I have dedicated to this country and many of the successes for this country I have been able to achieve. But I feel the need to call out EJ publicly on what "statistics" are at question here? EJ fails to respond in EVERY article of her/his own where I simply ask for some strait answers to the false claims. I have yet to ever get a response that wasn't some sort of reversal of words trying to either insult me in some way or twist the conversation back on itself in some manner.

I have had 2 stints as president of Singapore. 1 as the first President From March 6th - May 5th and my second stint currently from Sept 6th until Nov 5th. Both of these periods have showed growth in many areas. While of course far from perfect, there is only so much that any individual can accomplish at once. This however should never take away from that which was successfully accomplished. And in all honesty if there was not some sort of minor failures or hardships along the way, then I wouldn't feel as if I was trying hard enough in the first place. I am not content to simply sit by idly and I constantly try and accomplish as much as I can during my short times as President.

Since EJ is asking for some Stats I will recall some off the top of my head. Not that erep has many stats, but there are a few and lets take a look at them.

Average Strength: When I took office as President the first time eSingapore had a very low average Strength. In fact we were 4th from last out of all nations. Looking at today's rankings we are sitting at 12th. This is huge gain, our citizens are stronger and while this is not entirely of my doing of course. It is something I had always been working towards by helping newcomers become active, providing war games to keep fighters living in eSingapore and by recruiting strong players to eSingapore from other nations. All of these contribute to such a statistic.

Unemployment: When I took office as President my first time eSingapore was in horrible condition in this field as a new nation. We sat in the bottom 10% of nations having the highest Unemployment %. During my terms as President, my terms as Minister of Finance, and simply as a private business owner citizen I have constantly addressed this issue by providing jobs and working to stimulate the economy and business. I have personally created 2 Government companies and 5 personal companies that provide jobs to citizens of Singapore when needed. I have also worked with 15+ Raw Material Companies securing RM imports to eSingapore to help our local business. When looking at our Unemployment % today we sit in the top 10% of nations with the lowest Unemployment %. And again while this is not all of my doing, I think I surely helped it progress in the proper direction with my actions and dedication.

Population: This is a statistic that has risen and fallen over the course of eSingapore history. However, not once during my terms as President has it dropped. Call it whatever you want but my 2 terms as president stand at the approx population numbers.
Term 1/2 = 300 population at start, 1,600 population and end.
Term 3/4 = 415 population at start, 490 population at end.
I have done many things to try and encourage growth, such as promoting eSingapore myself in/out of game & appointing Ministers to promote in/out of game. As well as inviting approx 25 of my friends from other games to join the game, many of which have also decided to live in eSingapore. And inviting many of my in game friends to Singapore as well, many of which either live here or spend time here off and on. All of which promotes growth in our eNation.

GDP: This is another statistic that is far from only my own doing, but one that I do have some influence towards. However again contrary to EJ's claims during neither of my times as president has this lowered. I cannot recall the exact numbers from my first time, but this second time the GDP has risen from Approx 200 Gold to approx 300 Gold during the past 2 months. For a 1 land nation with NO HQ resources, we sit ranked 40th of all nations. I cannot personally consider this a failure, We could easily be lower, and we are still higher then 20 nations, many of which are larger then us.
We also have a low inflation rate, and a +20 Gold Positive Export value over Import.. When I took office our Imports were still slightly larger then Exports.

Gold Reserves: This statistic is quite clear and I do have a direct effect over this stat entirely. While EJ continues to claim that I have Failed eSingapore any profit .. This past 2 months even considering the added expenses of war games, more government programs and expenses and the lowering of some taxes the Gold reserves will end at well over 150 Gold MORE then there was when I took office on Sept 6th. There is also approx 15,000 SGD more then when I took office as well as some 30 Gold in foreign currencies, which at current values is another 330 Gold. Net Profit of 480 Gold for a 2 month period AFTER paying for all expenses. If this is a failure in your eyes, I am sorry to disappoint.

Forums: Another Statistic that doesn't reflect in the game is the usage of the National Forums. Activity since I have taken office is at a record high right now. Congress is using the Forum, Military is starting to use the Forum, and ALL laws, decrees and actions of the government are posted upon the forum for all citizens too see and for record keeping purposes. None of these things were happening anywhere near the level as they are now when I stepped into Office.

Foreign Relations: This is something that I have worked on extensively during my terms as President. While some past presidents were involved in foreign agreements such as entering Sol & PEACE war games, I have taken all Relations to higher levels and expanded on them earning Singapore more friends and respect on a global scale. Our position within Sol is quite prominent as is our close relationship with our friends the Theocrats. Both are things I worked on during my time as President. And while other past presidents and individuals within Singapore have greatly helped in this regard as well, we sure have not progressed backwards in this field under my watch.

These above statistics reflect nothing on the other non statistical aspects I have also addressed during and away from my time as president. As is most commonly known my fights vs numerous PTO groups in the past and in many situations unifying the people of Singapore is quite well known and also something I would not consider a failure.

So I guess again I must ask EJ, What statistics am I causing to fail? Considering most of the recorded statistics and some that are not I have just addressed at random and hard to see much fail there. If you can bring up any issue with some sort of actual conversation I am sure I can answer your complaints with a reasonable response. However resorting to this flaming, name calling, abusive insults, poor lies and accusations and false advertisements about myself and other members of this government will win you no battles. You must earn respect to receive it, and disrespecting others who initially had no disrespect for you is simply just about the most foolish way you could possibly run for politics in this game. Politics require cooperation, not constant infighting.

If anyone should be asking questions on performance here it should be me. I expect Congress members to perform up to their standards they apply and advertise themselves for. With all the activity of yourself that you constantly promote, you sure weren't very active in the voting, or discussions regarding last months Congress. What happened?

I shall await your legitimate facts to back your claims. As well as await you to answer any question ever asked of you.

As far as me? Ask and you shall receive, I got nothing to hide. However, flaming & insults and you shall continue to be ignored.

-- note:

Anyone interested in Building a Q5 Defense System in Singapore may donate any quantity of any funds to the dedicated Government Org for this very purpose. This Org is not Private, nor will the Government use these funds for any other purpose .. ever. I do not suspect there is much interest in this but just in case there is, here is a safe place to donate that you can trust. Singapore Holdings Bank

~Arbryn~ Prime Minister of Singapore
