Meals on Wheels: The US government gives newbies free bread. She breaks it.

Day 624, 22:22 Published in USA USA by Jack Milligan

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Forewor😛 I have already pledged to donate the proceeds from my media mogul medal to Meals on Wheels, but I wanted to write an article about why I’m so passionate about the project. Please SUBSCRIBE and VOTE this article up so that newbies, subscribers and donors can see it, and if you’d like to donate to Meals on Wheels yourself, keep reading for information on where to donate.

If you’re a citizen that has been in eRepublic for less than a month, please go to
and sign up to receive your free meals.
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Ordinarily I use this newspaper to stick my nose into political or military affairs in eRepublik, but today I’m using the press to promote a program that’s become dear to my heart- Meals on Wheels.
Meals on Wheels is the very definition of a bottom-up social welfare program. The program provides new citizens (younger than one month) with 3 Q1 meals, allowing new citizens to keep their meager (in a wartime economy, excruciatingly meager) paychecks to themselves in the very beginning of their eRepublik lives.

eMerican citizen SirEkim, director of not only Meals on Wheels but MASH, Pony Express, the current Secretary of eMerican Citizen Affairs, and a 2-term senator (an impressive resume, to be sure), tells me that “Meals on Wheels has been one of the most efficient ways to improve citizen retention rate. One recent study found that MoW recipients had a 70% chance of sticking with the game for over a month, compared to 30% or so without MoW.”

We are in desperate need of new citizens, and more importantly, new citizens that stay long enough to level up to fighting status. Other organizations are working on getting citizens to sign up, but Meals on Wheels is working to keep them signed up.

I, as I’ve already stated, will be sending my 5 gold from a Media Mogul medal to MoW. If you’re interested in personally donating gold or U.S currency to MoW, donate at their organization page:

I’d like as many newbies and potential donors to see this as possible, so please, again, VOTE and SUBSCRIBE!!!