Me – Munich – Manchester

Day 2,333, 09:36 Published in Slovenia Slovenia by AlxTeam

The trip began on Wednesday in the early morning hours. I drove to Munich in the sun, in the rain and in the snow, but we still got there in time, to pick up the tickets. Yes, for the away stand.

I visited the Manchester Platz, where if may just mention: "On Thursday 6th February 1958, 23 of 43 passengers lost their lives in Munich Air Disaster, among them were 8 of the Busby Babes – young, talented Manchester United players". Isn't it odd that the players on the right, in red, died in the crash?

After that it was time to see Marienplatz and do some shopping.

It was loud and full on the underground when we went to Allianz Arena.

My team unfortunately lost, but I still had a great time – I sang my lungs out.

The next day after a proper breakfast it was time to go home.

Even the sky was sad because we lost, it was raining the whole time while we drove back.

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