MDP and A New Tomorrow

Day 1,327, 05:09 Published in Canada Pakistan by Frodo Tea Baggins

I guess there is no secret I've placed my name for PP of the MDP which has been by my opponents promptly called a PTO attempt. Lets take a moment to examine this.

In the past couple months the strategy of the 'Dictator' has had but one purpose, to protect their own power. The party has been been going downhill very quickly as little effort has been put towards anything beyond promoting power to few. Placing a 'military leader' in charge with no military strategy. In fact the only strategy so far for the party has been 'hand out more money' followed by a complete lack of strategy on how to use it.

I say it's time for a change. A fresh start to revitalize and bring inclusion to those left behind. To promote strategy from a 'military party'. To sit around playing a roleplayer's game we might as well all quit and join DAL now.

I promote change and forward direction for the party, don't be fooled by the old guard that only wishes to protect it's own power. On the 15th Vote for change, Vote Aeriala.

Aeriala, Terra, SC