McAdden Index: Day 865

Day 865, 02:57 Published in USA USA by sydiot

It's called McAdden because Dunder Mifflin was taken.

ERX is very cool. The stock market is a great opportunity, not because it creates tons of instant wealth (it doesn't) but because it allows investment to be liquid. This means we can store our money in a new and active way while not losing it's true cashness. we can sell our assets for Gold and have it in our account in mere hours. Sometimes we have to pay the price for quick withdrawal (or risky investments) but at least our money is active.

I've held stock for sometime, long before ERX was unveiled. I bought shares of t'jelle when they were only 0.7 Gold each (they are now worth 11 Gold each). I've also put hundreds of Gold into ERX and am working to build the definitive blue chip portfolio across all exchanges.

I've decided to not only inform the public of my choices but to track their progress as a measur eof the health of large financial and publicly traded companies. I'm going to publish that tracking here as the McAdden Index.


McAdden Index
(trial listings)

TJB - t'jelle Bank (11.1)
USB - eUS Treasury Bonds (10.59)
MCI - McAdden Investments (2.😎
WBI - Word Bank Inc. (9.99)
BJC - Big Johnsons Corp. (0.989)
NVIB - NVI Bank (0.256)
WHC - White Horse Consulting (0.12)
TVA - Tenessee Valley Authority (0.8😎
CBIN - Central Bank of India (0.33)

Total Index Value: 37.055

These are the stocks we're starting with. Our criteria are specific: we will list only SEC audited stocks with reasonable market cap, high to medium share value, high to medium org value, major banks and/or well developed and capitalized high demand industries. I'm also looking for CEOs and businesses who have good reputations in government and military connections.

We will remove and add stocks as the premium listings make themselves known. We have listed companies from both the ERX stock exchange and eRepX. I'm hoping to also report major action from these stocks (dividends, splits, major price changes) and serve as a public reporting outlet on the health of both stock markets.

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