Mayhem: Rolo a PTO?

Day 1,030, 01:10 Published in Canada Canada by SaraDroz

Someone has to write about this so I guess I shall...*sigh*

Project Mayhem

No doubt you have all received the forum pm with the links to the logs. You can see current discussion here: Here I shall mention no names as that is for Congress and the Courts to decide.

Let me summarise the allegations: Previous to the last Presidential elections a select group of powerful eCanadians came together to decide who should be President. That outside help was used in this election. That this group has a secret agenda including taking the PP position in all top 5 Parties, the disbandment of CAF, the renaming of Parties etc...

I have spoken to some of those named in the logs and the message. Some claim that Part One of this plan was election of jbdivinus as DAL PP, Part 2 was election of Rolo and then they could could move on to onto the 'BIG PLAN' - the eventual aboloition of CAF (interesting to note one of those implicated in the MoD) and renaiming of Parties and presumably including retention of real power by the secret 'clique'. Other claim that it was an innocent 'coalition' with the aim of 'streamlining' the Constitution and CAF etc...

Prima Facie Evidence

First there are the logs themselves. Certainly these provide prima facie evidence of conspiracy - no matter how well meaning it's motives may have been. Secondly I am told by one of those involved that he arranged that Rolo should be President and not jbdivinus... This naturaly he regards as a good thing too. Thirdly is citizenship log when jbdivinus won the DAL Party Presidency where we see a small rise of immigrants.

Steps to be Taken

When any senior Director is accused of some form of corruption or some such they are suspended. This should be the course of action in this case with Rolo. eCanada has the constitutional ability and experience of dealing with similar situations - the Vice President takes over until Congress decides whether or not to impeach. The case then be heard propperly in the Court in what promises to the best trial since V1 or even including.


These allegations are serious and must be dealt with propperly by the courts. Let us not rush to judgement but meanwhile make sure eCanada is safe.