Mattoze5 / Aren Perry

Day 710, 19:06 Published in USA USA by Mattoze5

Hello eAmerica,

I have decided to run with Aren Perry as my Vice-Presidential pick 😉 I believe Aren has the amount of the experience needed for the job, especially in areas that I am often weaker at. As an ex-Senator and Party President, he has shown that he can do quite well in leadership positions, often capitalizing on unseen opportunities. Our great ability to work together and consider options that lie on both sides of the aisle has compelled me to pick him as my VP choice. Our similar experiences will make us a great team for such a job as President and Vice President of the eUSA. Aren has displayed a great deal of knowledge on this game and has proven that he is willing to use his knowledge when making tough decisions. I look forward to seeing him as Vice President of the United States.

Many of you out there are wondering: “What is it you have done?” Well to give an honest answer: more than you’d expect. For all those of you out there who don’t know me, I was originally a 3-term congressman from Iowa. I won’t brag. I didn’t get too involved in congressional discussions, but this was often because of the amount of blackballing that went on, rather than debating. There was very little respect between congress members, so it was usually easier just to submit one’s vote on an issue rather than discuss it. I’m sure Aren would agree with me. Don’t get me wrong we did indeed discuss issues, but many times there were breakouts and quarrels that would have to be solved by the Speaker. This is one of the many reasons why I hope to improve the way eAmericans treat each other; so that hopefully some day congress won’t have to belittle people who are “wrong.”

Aren and I also had committee duties to attend to while in congress. During both of our tenures as congressmen we both had our turn at being Infrastructure Committee Chairmen. While I was a congressman, I also ran the CvP as Party President. This is where the majority of my most prized experience came from. For 3 months I had the opportunity to work with a cabinet, run a primary, establish a new website for our party, and deal with the greatest eRep security threat of all time. In my last month as PP, I also established a quite profitable treasury for our party and used it to deal with our foreign allies, aiding the Texas defense system during our last conflict. Now I realize that only one of those things aided our country directly, but nonetheless, I do believe I’ve had quite a bit of experience. But, as I’m hoping most of you realize, experience isn’t everything. There’s a lot more that goes into being POTUS than just experience, because in reality nobody has sufficient experience for the job; it is such a grand job and there is always something new to learn. I hope that many of you will give me the chance to show you what I have already learned. With just some time and effort this game can still be fun, if given the chance.

Rest in Peace Philip Francis Exavier Esquire
May God be with you and your family.

Keep safe and,
God Bless America,